chapter 10

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Camila's POV:

Lauren kneels down in front of me, as I hang my head down low. I can't believe she was able to do that... How was she able to have that amount of power.

The green eyed vampire starts to stroke me head, causing me to look ap at her. "Hey, I'm going to get Dinah and T ok. Hopefully they will be able to help"  I nod and look over and the whimpering hybrid in the corner.

Just like that Lauren zooms of trying to find our friend and witch. The second y/n notices me looking at her, she tries to stand while she growls menacingly.

I've never known of one so powerful. Well... She is the second strongest thing there is. Still she shouldn't have a problem bowing down to me. Yes there's ment to be a struggle but not this much.

I haven't known this girl long and I already have a strong affection for her. I know somewhere in that cold locked up heart she feels the same. For me and for Lauren.

Lauren... Ever since we have been living with eacother, all the past feelings of love has been coming back. The problem is, is that I hate her so much, she took away my only family.

I'll admit my parents are the cause of all this that has happened between us, but Lauren didn't have to hate me, I did jack shit. She didn't have to kill my parents, she could have reported them and they would be locked away.

All of this could have been avoided. I guess in a way I should also be greatful. If we wasn't fighting we wouldn't of met our mate.

Y/n POV:

It's been what feels like half an hour and Lauren comes back into the room with a tall girl with brown hair that has blonde highlights at the bottom.

I let out a low growl, that slowly got louder the closer I get, the brown eyed girl looks at me slightly worried. My growling comes to a hult as I see my best friend enter the room.

I never felt it before but I could feel the power radiating off of her, what is she.. She can't be an average human and have that much power where you can smell it. Why didn't she tell me.

She slowly walks toward me and holds her hand out "T don't touch her, she will hurt you" Lauren says worrisome. Tori ignores her as she begins to run her hand through my fur slowly.

She smiles sadly at me and stands up then walks towards the alpha. "Ok camzi, I'm going to take some of do Dinah's siren abilities and make a copy then give hers back, so I can give you it. It should help you over power her. Is that ok?"she pauses for a second then continues "ok good let's get this sorted"

Who im guessing is Dinah, lifts up her shirt so her stomach is showing. Tori places her hand on her stomach, then a sizzling sound echo's throughout the room, as steam come out from her hand. I cringe slightly knowing that she is burning the girls flesh.

Dinah whimpers out in pain as she clenches her shirt "Dinah have your wings out so your in your true form. It will cause the process to speed up" tori commands and white wings spread out her back. You would think they are angel wings but these look worn down and broken, they also have patches of black in it.

Slowly Tori removes her hand, as her hand is no longer touching her skin there was a sound, it was like when u have had metal over a fire for so long and you poar water into it.

Next thing I see is her eyes roll to the back of her head as her hand glows a crimson red. She was like that for about two minutes then she turned around and kisses Dinah. The same light shined from her lips.

The kiss didn't last more then five seconds. But after she was done she placed the same hand on Camila's stomach. This time there was no light, no smoke, no burning, just silence.

Camila's voice starts to echo in my head "be prepared as this time I'm not backing down", this comment made me snarl and snap my teeth together.

The wolf walks towards me and growls loudly but I can do louder. I finally manage to find the strength to stand up, in a result my legs shake like mad.

Before I can do anything she let's out another growl that vibrates the room, you could even see the chairs shaking. My eyes widen and I lay back down and hand my head low then whimper in submission.

I feela see a cloth be put over me and I look up to see Lauren, she was the last thing I saw before I fell asleep.

Hoi I hoped you like the chapter, I'm sorry for the mistakes. I love you kittens byyeeeee xxxxc

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