Snow Days

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St Petersburg was known for it's unpredictable weather, but I didn't think as unpredictable as this!

Summer had only ended a week ago and the snow decided to fall early this year, not that I'm complaining.

Suddenly, a buzz emits from my phone, I looked down at it to see the call ID as "Yuri 😸"

I answer and put it on speaker, too lazy to hold the phone to my ear.

"Oi, you doing anything later?" Yuri was the first to speak.

"Don't I get a hi, or hello first?" I laughed, however, the blonde didn't respond.

"But no, not really why?" I asked, there was a small silence, then he responded.

"I need to talk with you..." His voice was rather quitter, like he was nervous or unsure, it was kind of cute.

"Sure, where you want to meet up?" I asked.

There was another long string of silence.

"At the usual spot, meet me there in 5" was all he said then hung up before I could say anything.

I sat there confused, he just hung up. He sounded quite nervous during the phone call, nervous about what?

I shook it off and went to my wardrobe to grab my favourite (f/c) fur trim hoodie and headed out to the living room.

"Hey mom, I'm heading out" I call out to her in the lounge room.

"Okay sweetie, be back before dark" she said before returning to her book.

"Bye mom" I called out as I left the house.

Mom rolled her eyes and muttered to herself, 'probably meeting up with that Plisetsky boy again' she smiled.

*time skip*

The usual spot, it's the place where I met Yuri for the first time, when we were little kids. Even though he was angsty and rude, I still became friends with him.

But I couldn't help but fall in love with the blonde boy.

"Took you long enough" he huffed, leaning his body on the bridge rails.

"Sorry" I laughed and walked up beside him, resting my arms on the railings beside him.

"So... what did you want to talk about that we couldn't discuss over the phone" I turned to him.

His cheeks were tinted pink, but that could have just been from the weather.

"Well..." he didn't budge, but now I was intrigued.

"Oh come on, you had me thinking all the way here, tell me" I whined.

He just looked down, into the icy water Beneath the pedestrian bridge. Remaining silent.

There was an awkward pause between us, however the tense atmosphere was broken as I had noticed the wind has stopped, and the snowflakes fell more gently.

"Willyoubemygirlfriend?" Yuri said too fast and too muffled for me to hear, so I asked him to repeat himself.

His face turned a deep red before sucking in a deep breath and makes eye contact with me.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He said more clearly this time.

My eyes widened as his averted from my gaze.

A blush rose to his cheeks as he kept looking down at the flowing river.

"Yes Yuri, I'd love to be your girlfriend" I smiled widely and hugged him from behind.

"R-really?" He stammered, I nuzzled into the crook of his neck and replied.

"Uh huh, I've had a crush on you for 2 years now" I blushed a light pink, admitting my feelings to him.

Yuri turned around and pulled me into a warm embrace.

"Well I've loved you for 3 years" he whispered before connecting his lips to mine.

However, we parted from lack of oxygen, I felt like I was on cloud nine.

"Wow, who knew the Russian punk was a good kisser" I giggled as his face heated up.

"Whatever" there he goes, back to his usual self.

Yuri Plisetsky One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now