New Style

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Nobody's P.O.V

"Yuri, you've been acting weird, like something's bothering you" a certain red haired Russian girl said to her blonde friend.

"Yeah, it's just that my hair is getting too long..." he gestures by running his fingers through it. It was grazing his shoulders now.

"You should get (y/n) to cut it for you" Mila smiled, Yuri gave her a confused look.

"And what would your little sister know about cutting hair?" Yuri asked her as he drank from his water bottle.

"Well my Auntie runs a salon and (y/n) worked there for about a year or so" Mila explained as she sat down on the bench.

"You think I have the money for that? I'm barely scraping by cos Yakov likes to drain my money" he grumbled as he sat next to Mila.

"Oh come on, I know you like her, and she likes you, she won't charge" Mila winked at Yuri as he spat out his water and his face turned fifty shades of red.

"W-what makes you think I like her, you crazy hag?! I've only met her once!" Yuri protested, but Mila could see right through him.

"Oh come on Yuri, I can tell, just look at your face, and I think you'd make a pretty cool brother-in-law" she giggled, but Yuri just gave her the look of disapproval and rolled his eyes.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

*the next day*

"Your sure you know what your doing (y/n)?" Yuri gave me a glare as I grabbed the scissors.

"Sure I do, I cut my own hair and look how it turns out" I said, and Yuri just gave me an unreadable look.

"Whatever" he huffs as he sat back in the chair.

"So, why are you cutting my hair at your place anyway?" He asked referring to the fact I was cutting his hair in my backyard.

"Well my aunt would charge you if I did it at the salon, and I don't want hair on the bathroom tiles" I explained as I filled a bucket full of water.

Yuri's P.O.V

"So anyway, how short do you want it? About here?" She pressed two fingers against my neck, about where my hair would have been when I was 15. My nerves shuddered from her touch, maybe I really do like her?

"No, I want it short, with a bit of an undercut" I explained.

(A/N like in the picture above ^-^)

"Oh I see, you want a cool hairstyle like Otabek huh?" She giggled slightly as I crossed my arms and pouted.

"No, of course not, I just want my hair to be short that's all" I said, she just rolled her eyes while smiling and walked away, coming back with a razor, then proceded to trim away at my locks. Occasionally dipping the scissors in the bucket of water to get rid of excess hair.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

*30 minutes later*

I wipe away my sweat as I stand back to admire my work, and damn did it look good on the Russian boy.

"Okay Yuri, it's done" I tell him as I grabbed a mirror and handed it to him, he took it and looked at his new haircut.

His eyes widened, at this point I was a little scared.

Does he really like it..? Or does he really hate it..?

"U-uhh... do you not like it..?" I asked him, however he came back from his trance.

"N-no I love it (y/n)! It's amazing!" He smiled as he admired his new hair.

"W-well I'm glad you like it" I smile, then a devilish look appeared on my face as I grabbed the bucket of water and tipped it over the unsuspecting blonde.

"Hey! I'll get you for tha-" but as Yuri tried to chase me, he slipped on the grass and landed on his stomach.

As he rolled over and sat up, I laughed hysterically at him but stuck out my hand so he could take it. But he just pulled me down on top of him.

"You did that on purpose!" I stammered nervously, but then he silenced me with a kiss on the lips, it was only short but it was tantalising.

"Mila was right, I really do like you" he said, I blushed madly as I sat up, straddling his hips.

"I-I love you too Yuri..." I stammered as he sat up and brought me into another chaste kiss.

"Will you be my girlfriend (y/n)?" He asked, I felt as if I was on cloud nine.

"Y-yes Yuri! A thousand times yes!" I said as I brought him back to the ground in a tight hug, although he was soaked, I didn't care at this point. I was too happy to care.

"Lovebirds!" I heard Mila call out to us from the back door.

"Mom just finished making cookies!" Mila said as she ran back into the house.

"Mila! You better not eat the all like last time!" I called out to my sister as I got off Yuri and ran after her in the house.

Yuri Plisetsky One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now