The After Party

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"Go right in Ms (l/n)" a security guard said to me, so I walk past him and into the large building.

Just a week ago, me and all the other figure skaters skated at the winter Olympic Games in Sochi, and now we were currently attending the after party before everyone went back to their countries.

My name is (y/n) (l/n) and I represent (c/n), sadly we didn't win but weren't far off. Of course Russia won, they had the best figure skaters in the world.

"(Y/n)! You came! You look beautiful tonight" a certain white haired Russian man complimented me.

However, I knew he wasn't trying to hit on me, in only 15 and he's 27, I'm half his age. I've known him since I first started competing in the Winter Games 3 years ago.

"I heard you placed 5th, not bad (y/n), not bad at all" he smiled as he took another shot of martini.

"Yeah, i'm determined to win the gold next year though" I smiled nervously at Victor.

"You have fire, I like that, well I better get going, I'll talk to you later!" Victor waves to me and takes off to talk to Christophe.

"You? Make it to first? Please you must be joking" I heard a venomous voice behind me.

"Oh... Hi Larissa..." I stammered shyly as the blonde girl approached me.

"Remember your place, in the world champion, a loser like you could never hope to beat me" she sneared down at me, although she was the same age as me, she was much taller.

But that's mostly because I was short for my age..

"Larissa" Yuri called out from the crowd and caught up to the girl, giving her a kiss on the lips.

"Aww, hi Yuri, I was meant to catch up to you" she cooed and hugged his arm tightly.

It always hurt me to see them like this, Why? Because I have the biggest crush on Yuri, and it kills me to know he's with a girl like Larissa, the very girl I hate.

Without a word, I walk off, trying to act cool. But in the process, I accidentally run into the waiter, causing him to almost spill the martinis he was carrying around. I muttered a sorry but kept walking.

I really need to get out of here, I can feel the tears brimming already...

Yuri's P.O.V

"Hahaha, what a klutz, am I right Yuri?" Larissa laughed as (y/n) walked off.

"(Y/n)! Where are you going?" Victor shouted out from behind Larissa and I.

"To get some fresh air" (y/n) spun around, seeing her crying face, then she continued to walk outside the building.

"Yuri, go make sure she's okay" Victor told me, I cocked my head and looked at him.

"Why me?" I asked, but he did not give a response.

"Yeah, why him?" Larissa butted in, putting her hands on her hips.

"Come on, please Yuri?" Victor pleaded.

Why is he so persistent I check on (y/n)? The old man is definitely up to something.

"No! He doesn't have to if he doesn't want to!" Larissa scolded him, but she didn't stop there.

"And why would he care about her Victor? (Y/n)'s just a loser anyway, she only weaselled her way into the finals because the judges felt sorry for her, right Yuri?" she laughed as she clutched onto me.

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