That's My Girl

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"(Y/n)! I told you, no quads this season! Your still recov-" She dozed off. Not caring what Yakov was telling her.

"I'm fine Yakov! I can do quads just fine! Just let me do my program!" She huffed as she skated back on the ice.

I would never admit it, but I was crazy in love with the angsty girl, her appearance was innocent but her attitude was angry and scary.

But most of all. She's cool, just like me.

Then suddenly, she is approached by a brunette.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Poor (y/n), looks like your not doing quads this year" a familiar brunette's voice snared at me.

"F**k off Valerica" I growled at her, I guess you could call her my rival even though the both of us represent Russia.

"Now that's just mean, you should learn to respect your elders" she glowered at me, but I just rolled my eyes.

"Your only older than me by 2 months you bimbo" I smirked at her, knowing it would snap a few strings.

"What did you just call me, emo b**ch?" She growled.

"What's the matter, did I make you angry?" I glared at her with a mischievous smile.

"How about we settle this like true figure skaters?" Valerica grind at me.

"What do you have in mind?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Whoever can perform the most quad loops in a row without fail" she grinned stepping closer to me, with a challenging pose.

"Fine then, I accept your challenge, let's meet back here in 10 minutes" I smile then turn to walk away. This conversation seemed to gain attention from the rest of the skaters.

Yuri's P.O.V

"Oh! This is going to be so interesting! (Y/n) vs last year's gold medalist Valerica Nilov! Who do you think is going to win Yuri?" Mila came out of nowehere and hugged me from behind.

"(Y/n)'a got this in the bag" I smirked, I know she'll win this, (y/n) isn't the type to loose or give up.

"Aww that's cute, you just think she'll win because she's your-" I cut Mila off.

"No of course not! I know she'll win I just know it" I said before walking off to meet up with said girl.

*time skip*

"Stupid Valerica, she'll regret challenging me to a-"

"Why'r you talking to yourself?" I asked with my hands on my hips, looking down at her.

"Shut up, Yuri" she said while tying up her skates.

"Now that's just mean" I gave a pout, she looked up at me and blushed lightly.

"Whatever, I better get to the rink so I can kick Valerica's butt" I said as I stood up.

But before I could walk out into the rink, Yuri grabbed my hand, spinning me around to face him, and kissed me on the lips.

It lasted a few seconds before he pulled away, stroking my cheek with his thumb softly.

"Consider it good luck, now make her cry" Yuri said before giving me a light push and I walked out the door without a word.

"Stupid Yuri" I grumbled as my face heated up.

I walked over to the entrance of the rink and skated into the middle, next to Valerica.

"Might as well prepare to get humiliated, especially in front of your-" but I cut her off.

"Quit running your mouth and lets do this" I say as I decided to count down.

"3... 2... 1... go!"

I skated away from her and went into a backwards cross, to pick up as much speed as possible, she did the same.

When I had decided I could go as fast as I possibly could, I went into my first quad loop, using my right foot to 'kick' my left foot, I spin in the air, and I land it perfectly. But Valerica did to, this isn't going to be as easy as I thought...

*time skip*

"HOW COULD I LOSE?! TO YOU?!" Valerica screeched as she messed up her 4th quad loop.

But what I did next surprised everyone.

"You did just fine, not many figure skaters can pull off four quad loops in a row" I said, extending my hand to help her up.

"Psh, whatever" she took my hand, got up and skated off the rink, and I went off the rink and into the changing rooms.

"That's my girl" I gave a smile, then headed to the changing rooms, planning to meet her in there.

Yuri's P.O.V

"I knew you could do it" he smiled at me as I took off my skates.

"Well, I had a bit of motivation" I smirked at him.

"Well, You kicked her but and you did it well, and that deserves a reward" I walked closer and brought her into another kiss, but this time, she wrapped her arms around my neck, deepening the kiss.

"I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend" she pulled away but her lips still pressed against mine lightly.

"I love you (y/n)" I said as kissed her again, then pulled away.

"Love you too, cat boy" she giggled.

Yuri Plisetsky One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now