His Eros

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I stood there in awe as I watched the Russian Yuri skate around the rink with such beauty and grace.

During the last Grand Prix when both Yuri's skated to the programmed assigned to them by Victor, it got me thinking.

What if Yuri skated to Eros instead of Agape?

"Hey Yuri!" I called my best friend (and long time crush) over to the side of the rink, he did so and gave me a questioning look.

"Y'know how you skated to Agape last year?" I asked, leading up to the question.

"Yeah?" The blonde furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well... I was curious to how you would look if you skated to Eros instead" I blushed as I averted my gaze from his.

"How should I know" he brushed me off and continued to skate. Leaving me to mentally curse to myself.

Stupid stupid stupid! Why did I do that?! Now I feel like such an idiot...

*1 week later*

Things had been weird since that day a week ago, Yuri kept telling me not to come to the rink daily, because he was working on something, I didn't think much of it.

But finally he told me I could come today, I was actually quite excited to see what he was hiding from me.

A small part of me had hoped for Yuri to do an Eros performance, but he didn't seem keen on the idea so I doubted it.


I finally got there, and I stood in awe as I looked over at the Russian boy who stood in the middle of the rink, wearing the exact same outfit Yuuri Katsuki wore for his Eros program, then that means...

"So... you said you wanted to see my Eros? Well, here it is" Yuri purred making me blush deeply as I sat on the bench.


The start of the song played as Yuri tried his best to copy Yuuri Katsuki's hand gestures and skated backwards into a stance, looking to me and giving a seductive glance, making my cheeks flare.

His step sequence was... seductive, to say the least, and his spins and twirls were almost an exact replica of Katsuki's performance last season.

He moved into a camel spin then his first jump, a quadruple axel.

Then he went for the quad salchow, he lands it perfectly.

Then he follows it with a Quadruple loop and triple loop, landing perfectly.

He moves into another camel spin followed by a sit spin.

A few more flawless spins and finishes with the signature pose.


The panting blonde looks over in my direction, I help my nose to keep from nose bleeding.

"Was I Eros enough for you (y/n)?" he asks, I respond with a fan girlish squeal.

"Yuri! That was amazing! I didn't think you could skate so..." I tried to explain, but words couldn't express the emotions I felt during that program.

He skated over to me, unable to hold back, I wrap my arms around him and pulled him in close.

"You did so well, my Russian boy" I giggled, but what happened next surprised me more than the performance itself.

I felt his warm lips press against mine, my eyes close as I move my arms around his neck and brought him closer.

But like all good things must end, his lips parted from mine.

"You are my Eros" he purred into my ear as my face burned a hot red.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, and without hesitation, I pulled him into another tight hug.

"Yes! A thousand times yes" I smiled as I nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

Yuri Plisetsky One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now