Behind His Back {Requested}

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This is a Yurio x Mafia!Reader requested by ShinjiNanairo. This was tricky to write, regardless I did it and I hope you enjoy this chapter 😊

"NO PLEASE! I'LL PAY UP THE NEXT FORTNIGHT I SWEAR ON MY MOTHER'S GRAVE!!" The terrified man begged for his life as I pointed a gun at his head, this poor sap owed my boss some money for quite some time, but instead of paying up, he wasted it on cigarettes and poker games.

"I'm sorry" I said with no remorse in my voice as I pulled the trigger, a piercing *bang* rang in my ears, followed by dead silence.

The man's hands trembled and eyes widened as he collapsed into the cold floor, blood seeped from his chest, he was dead.

"Better get going" I told myself as I put my pistol back into my hoister and left the shabby house in the direction of my own living residence.

Although I was only 19, I was involved with a mafia, my job was to beat down the disobedient into submission, and sometimes I had to get my hands dirty.

I didn't want this, I just wanted to live a normal life, but I made a promise.

I have to fulfulil my dad's part of the bargain.

A few years ago, my dad took out a loan out from the mafia, in short, my dad was in a lifetime of debt.

I didn't want to see my dad suffer, so I made a promise to work for the mafia until the dept is paid off.

But everyday the guilt hangs over my head, what if my family found out about what I do? My friends..?

What if Yuri found out?

Yuri has been my best friend since we were 16. I felt bad for doing this behind his back, but I don't ever want to loose my friendship with him... In fact, I think I'm in love with him...

But a murderer like me doesn't deserve something like love...

When I finally got home, I was pretty tired so I decided to clean off my gun and call it a night. But as I lied down on my bed, my phone lit up indicating someone was calling me.

"Yuri?" I cocked my head as I answered the phone.

"Hey Yuri, what's up?" I asked in a tired tone, waiting to hear his smooth voice from over the phone.

"Hey, you doing anything tonight?" He asked me.

(Y/n): "No, not really"

Yuri: "Can I come over your place? Victor's trying to make me go to dinner with him and the pig"

(Y/n): "Well wouldn't it be rude not to go? If you want I'll go with you"

Yuri: "really?"

(Y/n): "yeah, I haven't eaten dinner yet so I'm down"

Yuri: "okay fine, meet us at Chekhov at 10"

(Y/n): "Alright, see ya"

Yuri: "bye"


"Victor! Yuuri! Yurio!" I waved with a wide smile as I got out of my car and ran over to the three men and hugged them tightly, it has been so long since I've seen Yuuri and Victor.

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