You Deserve Better

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Please (y/n)! Let me explain!"

"I'M NOT LISTENING TO ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO SAY MATT! IT'S OVER!" I screeched at my now ex-boyfriend.

"You f**ked my sister!" I yelled as I slammed the door behind me.

"Babe, I'll never do it again! Just give me one last chance!" He pleaded, walking outside of his house and placed his hand in my shoulder, which I pushed of harshly.

"Don't treat me like I'm at fault here, you cheated on me with that blonde girly boy" he yelled.

I spun around quickly and slapped him across the face.

"I never cheated on you with Yuri! He's my best friend you a**hole!" I growled but left it at that and turned around to leave.

"Where are you going to go? Your parents live in (c/n)" he retorted.

"With a friend, anywhere but your mess of a place" I spat back as I left, not bothering to take anything with me.

I'll just get it another day, right now I'll focus on where I can stay.

Lucky for me, I still had my phone, I took it wherever I went. During this time, I contemplated who out of my friends I should stay with.

Should I stay with Veronica? No, she's already living with 3 other roommates, I would only be a burden.

Natalie? Nah, I can't... She has her own kids to think about, I would only get in the way...

Just then, my phone begins to ring, picking it up, it read the caller ID as 'Yuri ;)'.

Answering the call, I held it up to my ear.

"Hey Yuri, what's up?"

"Nothing much, I was just bored so I was wondering what you were doing"

"Not much, just... Taking a walk..."

"Alright (y/n), what's the matter"


"You're upset, I can tell"





"Can I come over...? Please... I really need you right now..."

"Of course..."

"Thanks Yuri, your the best"

"No problem..."

I hung up and put my phone back into my pocket, I felt bad for intruding on Yuri like this, but I really needed a shoulder to cry on right about now...

*time skip*

"Coming!" I heard a voice from upstairs after I knocked in the door.

"(Y/n), come in" he opened the door wider so I could walk in, then we walked up to his room in silence.

The both of us sat on his bed, there was an awkward silence, until he spoke first.

"So, what's wrong?" He asked, I couldn't hold back anymore. I latched into him and pulled him close to me, my face rested on his chest, I could feel my face heat up to a faint shade of pink.

"M-Matt... He cheated on m-me with
S-Stacy, my sister..." I sobbed into his chest, I could feel him wrap his arms behind me, bringing us into a warm yet comforting embrace.

"Shhh, it's okay... He's a sh*t head, you deserve better" he rubbed circles on my back, trying his best to comfort me.

"But... I-I still love him, Yuri" I cried.

Nobody's P.O.V

"I still love him, Yuri" (y/n) cried even more, this tore at the blonde's heart strings.

Yuri had always had a crush on (y/n), and hearing she still loved Matt, even after he cheated on her, really broke him emotionally.

"(Y/n), look at me" Yuri tilted her chin up, so she could look him into his piercing green eyes as he looked into her blood shot (e/c) ones.

"Matt doesn't deserve a girl like you, you're amazing, kind, gentle, caring, and beautiful, inside and out" he smiled at the crying girl.

"B-but-" Yuri shushed her.

"Shh, no talking" he said as he leaned toward and pressed his lips to hers.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Yuri. Is. Kissing. Me

I felt the urge to push him away and slap him, but I couldn't.

My heart began to beat faster... and my face feels like it's on fire... what are these feelings..? Am I in love with Yuri? Or am I just flustered?

He pulled away and tucked a strand of my hair away from my face.

"Sorry... I-I shouldn't have done that..." but I just grabbed the collar of his shirt and kissed him again in response, but this time, it was much more passionate that the first kiss.

I said nothing and smiled as I stared into the blonde's eyes, lovingly.

"(Y/n)... I love you..." Yuri blushed while looking away, slightly embarrassed.

"Yuri... I love you too" I replied then kissed him again. Closing my eyes and brought my hands to the back of his head, bringing him closer, he was shocked at first, but eventually closed his eyes and returned the kiss by wrapping his arms around my waist.

After we broke apart, he stammered, "B-But what about Matt? I t-thought you-" I cut him off by placing my finger on his lips.

"I did, but I had always had a crush on my best friend" I giggled.

He kissed me on the forehead, "come on, let's get your stuff" he said as he stood up and grabbed his car keys. He turned 17 a month ago so he can drive on his own now.

"Alright" I called as I stood up and went to catch up to him.

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