You're Mine Pt 3

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This was requested some time ago by one of my followers (you know who you are 😉). Sorry this request took so long to do, I haven't really been busy I was just very unmotivated since I've moved on from Yuri On Ice 😰.

But regardless, I hope you all enjoy the third part to 'You're Mine'.


(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Waking up on an early Saturday morning, I sat up and stretched out my limbs from a great sleep.

Instinctually, I leaned over and grabbed ahold of my iPhone and brought it over to me, pressing the on button, I looked to see if I had any notifications.

There were a few Instagram and snapchat notifications, but no texts from a certain blonde I was hoping for.

He must still be asleep, Yakov did have him train pretty hard yesterday...

Suddenly, a wave of nausea hit me and I instantly ran towards the bathroom, which was fortunately connected to my room so it was not too far away.

Ducking my head over the toilet, I wretched as I hurled the contents of my stomach into the porcelain throne.

Why had this been happening lately..?

For a few weeks now, I've been sick in the mornings and had weird cravings. I originally thought I may have been pregnant, but Yuri and I had always used 'protection' so there was no way...

No way I could be pregnant, Evan though I'm showing the exact symptoms of pregnancy...

Then it clicked in my brain, that day a few weeks ago after Yuri and I did it in the locker rooms...

He... finished inside me... I don't take the pill either...

"I have to be sure" I told myself as I grabbed a bit of toilet paper to wipe the vomit from my mouth.


After I felt well enough to leave the house, I grabbed some money and headed towards the closest pharmacy to get a pregnancy test, I had to be absolutely sure before I assume and go tell everyone.

But on my way to the pharmacy, thoughts began to ponder in my head.

Yuri and I are only 17, we aren't ready to be parents... I don't have the money to had an abortion and I don't know if I'd be able to give it up for adoption... What if he gets mad..? What if... He leaves me..?

I wiped the single tear that rolled down my face before I pushed open the door to the pharmacy and entered the small building, some bells chimed as I entered.

"Welcome" the cashier welcomed me with a warm smile, I smiled back softly as I scanned over the shelves looking for the particular item, I just wanted to take it and leave as soon as possible...

After finding the section and looking at a few different brands of pregnancy tests, I grabbed two different ones and headed towards the cashier, placing down the items I was about to purchase.

Her smile turned into one of slight surprise but she did not say anything, she scanned the tests and put them in a small plastic bag. "That's 850 ruble".

I quickly handed her the correct amount of ruble, not wanting to be here any longer than I had to be, I quickly took the plastic bag and left the pharmacy.

*back to house*

"No... This has to be wrong..." I held my hand to my mouth in shock as I cried, staring down at the two red lines on the test. Both tests read as positive.

I'm pregnant... With Yuri's child...

After crying a little longer, I wiped my tears away before leaving the bathroom, bringing the test into my room with me, placing them into my bedside draw.

I picked up my phone and went to my contacts, scrolling down to the bottom I pressed on a certain blonde's contact, pressing the call button.

Holding the phone up to my ear, I heard it ring once... Twice... Thrice... Until finally it picked up.

"Hey, what's up?" I heard my boyfriend through the phone, hearing his voice already making my mood rise, slightly.

"Hey Yuri, I need to talk to you, it's really inportant" I told him, there was a short silence before Yuri replied, "Huh? Just tell me over the phone that's way easier"

"Please Yuri? I need to tell you in person..." I felt myself beginning to fall nervous, and I think Yuri picked up on it too.

"Alright, alright. I'll be over in half an hour" he sighed, I thanked him and hung up after we said our goodbyes.

*another time skip*

"Well? What did you have to tell me?" Yuri asked as the both of us sat beside each other on my bed, my thumbs twiddling in my lap nervously.

With shaky hands I leaned over to my bedside desk drawer and pulled out the pregnancy tests from earlier, trying my best to hide them in my hand.

"Open your hands" I told him softly, he cocked his head at me, but he did it anyway, beyond confused about what was going on right now.

I can do this... Just place them in his hands and tell him...

I took a deep breath. My hands hovered over his as I placed the tests in his hand, it took a moment to register what they were but his eyes immediately widened when he realised.

"I-I'm pregnant..." I stuttered nervously, averting my gaze from his, staring down at the floor, anywhere to make things less awkward.

There was a long and terrifying silence, until Yuri spoke "how long..?" He asked as he faced me, I built up some courage before I faced back towards him.

"About two weeks now... I'm r-really sorry Yuri I..." I trailed off as I could feel myself begin to cry again, mentally scolding myself.

But before I could grab some tissues, Yuri already grabbed them for me, pressing the soft fabric to my eyes gently, soaking up my tears.

"Don't apologise" Yuri told me as his emerald eyes stared straight into mine. He gave a soft yet reassuring grin, a grin that told me he was more than okay with me bearing this child.

"Y-you're... Happy..?"I asked sniffling, Yuri pulled me into his embrace, my head placed against his chest.

"Am I happy? Of course I am! I'm going to be a dad" he smiled as he planted a kiss onto my forehead, making me blush. "I love you, (y/n)"

"I love you too my kitten" I smiled as I closed my eyes and leaned into the warmth of the Russian boy's chest, listening to his heart beat.

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