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"No! No! No! Your landings are way off!" My coach scolded me as I tried my best to perform a triple salchow, however, she was not pleased with my efforts.

"But coach!-" she cut me off with yet another scolding.

"No buts (Y/n)! Your not going home until you get this right!" She hissed, gesturing for me to try for the thousandth time today.

"Coach, I have a bus to catch in 30 min-" and once again she cut me off with a clap of her hands.

"Silence! Your wasting time, now do it!" She growled menacingly, sending chills up my spine.


It was currently 10:33pm And my bus had left over THREE hours ago.

I finally managed to get the jump right, but it was hard, my legs were puffy and swollen.

"Maybe I should train under Yakov instead... then I can get away from that evil woman" I thought as I zipped up my bag and walked out into the cold, winter night.

I try to turn my phone on to text my mom, but just my luck, my phone was dead!

"You've got to be kidding me" I felt tears brim in my eyes.

I don't know my mothers number from the top of my head, and the rink closed just now, and everyone left ages ago. What do I do?

I sit down on the step and bury my chin into my hands, trying to think of what to do.

Suddenly, I hear the door behind me open then close, I turn around to see a familiar Russian blonde, Yuri Plisetsky.

"(Y/n?) what are you doing out here?" He asked... blushing? No way, he's probably just cold from the rink.

"My coach made me stay back, and the last bus left three hours ago..." I pouted and looked off into the distance.

"Salenski? Not surprised, she's a devil woman" he said with a small laugh. I felt my cheeks burn lightly.

"Yeah, and I can't call my mother, because my phone's dead" I explained.

"That sucks" he said, sitting down beside me, I let out a steady breath and kept my eyes on the distant buildings.

"I don't know what to do..." I said in a small voice, burying my face in my knees.

There was a small silence, as it appeared the blonde boy was thinking.

"Well... I-if you want, you c-can come back to m-my place..." the blonde stuttered, his suggestion made my face go red.

"O-only so you can charge your phone and call your mother... b-Baka" he pouted.

"Really? Y-you wouldn't mind? Thank you so much Yuri!" I smiled widely, Said boy seemed flustered at my sudden outburst.

"Don't act so excited" he huffed, going back to the angsty Yuri I knew well. He got up and began walking off, towards the walkway, but stopped.

"Well? Come on, I want to get home before I become an icicle" he said impatiently, I caught on and ran over to him so I could catch up.

*time skip*

I once again tried to wrap my zipless jacket over me, but the warmth kept escaping.

"Your cold" Yuri dead-panned, I look at him but shake my head.

"No it's fine, your grandfather's house should only be two streets down from here right?" I asked.

Yuri had mentioned on the way that he lived with his mother but he didn't like her very much, so he preferred to stay with his grandfather, and because he lived closer to the rink.

However, without a word, he took off his jacket and placed it over my shoulders.

"Just keep it on till we get there" he looked away with a slight blush.

We were silent for mostly the rest of the way, until Yuri asked me something out of the blue.

"Say... (y/n), do you... love anyone?" He asked in a quitter voice, I was rather thrown off by his question.

"Well... not really, no" I explain, not wanting to admit my HUGE crush on him.

"D-don't look at me like that! I was just asking, jeez" he said, making me look like the weirdo.

"Whatever" I giggled as Yuri looked into the distance and pointed towards a house.

"He lives right there" he explains and begins walking slightly faster, and I speed up as well so I don't loose him, the current fog was quite thick.

He walked up the stairs and just entered the house, without knocking or anything.

"Grandpa, I'm home" he calls out as he took off his shoes, and I do the same.

"Yurachka, who's this pretty girl you brought here? Your girlfriend?" A grey haired man appears around the corner.

"No! Of course not, she's just a friend I skate with!" Yuri protested with a huge blush on his face.

"Well okay, if you say so. I made piroshki" he says and disappears down the hallway.

"You like piroshki?" He turned to me and asked. However, the expression of his face was like a 'yes' or 'no' determined my status to him.

"I love piroshki! It's my favourite!" I smile widely, the look on his face was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

"You love piroshki!? Your my best friend now" he smiled, not a small one, but a genuine smile.

I giggle and follow him into the kitchen where there were a basket of piroshki sitting on the counter.

"Go ahead, help yourself" he smiled and immediately began to eat them.

I giggle and take a bit of the food. One bite and I'm positive if heaven existed, this would be the food they have there.

"They taste so good!" I swoon and kept eating it.

*tine skip*

I heard a car pull up outside the house, I look over to Yuri who is on the couch all piroshkied out.

"Yuri, my mother's here, I guess I'll see you at practise on Monday" I said to him as I grabbed my stuff.

I walked over to the door and was about to turn the handle, until I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.

Yuri seemed to want me to face him, so I did, what happened next surprised me. He leaned closer, putting one hand behind my head and pressed his lips against mine.

His lips moved against mine, almost tantalisingly, until I pulled back from lack of air.

"U-uhhh" I stammered, Yuri just gave a mischievous smirk and pushed me out the door and closing the door behind my back.

I walked over and got into the car, my face still a hundreds shades of red.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay, you look a little sick" she said worryingly.

"No mom I'm fine, I'll explain why I'm so late when we get home" I managed to squeak, still blushing madly.

"Oh I get it, did that blonde boy at the door kiss you or something?" She said teasingly as she pulled the car back on the road.


"Your not denying it..."

"Shut up!"

Yuri Plisetsky One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now