Sanja Matsuri Pt 1

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"Huh? A festival?" Yuri cocked his head up at me, I nodded in response.

"Yeah, and I wanted to ask... if you'd want to come? Victor and brother is going" I responded to the blonde boy.

"You know I'm not into festival garbage, and besides I'm going back home on Monday so It would be best to start packing tonight" he said in a quite harsh tone. I knew he wouldn't want to come.

Although I respected his decision, it hurt me a lot, like a stab to the heart.

Sanja Matsuri... My favourite festival. And I wanted nothing more than to share the experience with Yuri, but from what happened before, doesn't look like he's coming...

"It's alright, I respect your decision" I shook my head sorrowfully, I stood up from the table and walked up the stairs, towards my room.

"Wait, so you AREN'T going to force me or something?" He asked, I looked down at him from the stairs and shook my head slowly.

"No, it's okay" I replied and continued my way to my room.

Nobody's P.O.V

Yuri watched as (y/n) walked up to her room with a sad expression on her face. But that wouldn't change his mind. No, not at all...

"Yurio, you've upset the poor girl" Victor walked into the room and sat down across from Yuri, where (y/n) had sat moments earlier.

"Hmph" was all he huffed out in response and set his gaze on the table in front of him.

"Yuri... She really wants you to go" Victor responded to the stubborn boy.

"No" he groaned, and let his face fall onto the table with a dull 'thud'.

"Please... for her?" He asked in a quiet yet serious tone, but Yuri wouldn't budge.

"No" he responded firmly and stood to his feet, then walked off back to his room.

Yuri really did feel bad about making (y/n) upset, she's the reason he decided to come back to Japan with Victor, but he couldn't bring himself to go to that festival.

Not after what happened last time... it brought back unpleasant memories...

*3 days later*

"Oh (y/n)! You look so beautiful in that yukata!" Mom smiled widely as she brought me over to the mirror.

And I had to admit, it was very nice, it was black with pastel red flowers and golden patters, it was absolutely beautiful, I hope it didn't cost a fortune...

And I had to admit, it was very nice, it was black with pastel red flowers and golden patters, it was absolutely beautiful, I hope it didn't cost a fortune

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"Okay sweetie, we better get going! Don't want to be late!" Mom said as she walked out of the room and down the stairs, I followed after her.

However, I couldn't help but feel sadness overwhelm me, but I suppose I'll have to try my best to have fun WITHOUT Yuri.

"Okay we're all ready?" My mom called out to Victor and Yuuri downstairs.

"Not all of us" Victor has a mischievous smirk on his lips, I cocked my head in confusion.

"Wha? There's only three of us-" I was cut off when I heard the pitter patter of feet walk down the stairs, I look up to where the noise was coming from to see Yuri, wearing a black and red yukata, I could feel the blush rush to my cheeks.

"Y-Yuri? I thought-"

"Victor wouldn't stop irritating me until I said I would go" Yuri explained, however his facial expression showed that he wasn't completely irritated.

"Oh... Okay" I stammered.

"Alright kiddos, we should get going!" Mom clapped her hands together and walked outside, the three of us followed behind her.

*timeskip to festival*

"Yuuri! This is such a beautiful festival!" Victor gave a heart shaped mouth as he stared in awe at the festivals lights and stalls.

"Well yea, this is one of the best festivals in Japan, it's (y/n)'s favourite" Yuuri smiled, replying to the white haired Russian man.

"Yeah, the foods amazing too" I giggled as I saw Victor and Yuri's faces light up at the mention of 'food'.

"FOOD?! WHERE?!" Yuri demanded, I giggled at his adorable childish behaviour.
"But I wanna look at the clothes they have here!" Victor protested. I just giggled.

"Okay how about this, Yuuri and Victor go check out the stalls, and Yuri and I will scope out the food, then we'll meet back up at 'usual spot' before fireworks" I suggested, the three nodded in response as Yuri went to stand beside me.

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