Sexy Truth Or Dare Pt 2

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Oh god, oh god, oh god someone please kill me....

Yuri and I both blushed at the card's words.

Did I mention I wish I stayed at home?

"Well go on Yuri~ get out the whipped cream, it's in the fridge~" Mila winked.

"Shut up hag!" He yelled at the red haired girl.

As Yuri left to find the whipped cream, I removed my shirt and lied in the middle of the circle, praying that this was just a cruel dream. And that I'm going to wake up any minute now.

But before long, Yuri returned with the whipped cream can.

He proceeded to shake the can and spray the creamy substance from my chest to my belly button. I jumped slightly from the cold cream.

And before I could adjust to this whole situation, I felt his warm tongue come in contact with my skin, making my nerves jump from the sweet sensation.

He proceeded to glide his wet muscle up my slightly quivering frame, but it only made it worse when he got to my chest and looked me in the eyes.

I couldn't contain myself any longer and covered my face with my hands, hiding the redness of my face as I heard some of the girls in the room swoon and a few guys scoff in disgust.

Yuri was done and I wasted no time in putting my shirt back on. However I looked back to Yuri.

I couldn't read his face, it was like a mixture of embarrassment and anger, but not disgust.

But now my turn was over, to my relief. "Uhh Sara, truth or dare" I asked in a low voice as I returned to my spot in the circle.

*after the game*

It was some time later, everyone had at least went once and Yuuri got tired of the game so we all stopped playing.

However I couldn't help but notice Yuri snuck off upstairs towards Victor's bedroom.

It wasn't really my problem, but it hurt me to see him look that upset, and what happened earlier might have caused it.

Dismissing myself from my conversation with another figure skater, I went up the stairs and saw the door to Victor's room slightly ajar.

Quietly, I opened the door to see Yuri staring out the balcony window from Victor's bed.

His expression looked monotonous, he let out a deep sigh as he looked out the window. He mind seemed to be adrift.

I opened the wooden door wider and let myself in, Yuri looked over to me, but didn't make any move to kick me out.

"It's you" he said, facing back to the window, not paying any attention to my presence.

"Yeah... I'm uhh... Sorry about before" was all I could think of to say.

Sorry about before? SORRY ABOUT BEFORE?! What the actual heck is wrong with me?!

"It's fine, it wasn't your idea to play that stupid game" he huffed, his gaze still fixated on the window.

"Well I'm sorry because it was weird for you, I mean... Your not gay-" however, he cut me off.

"I'm bi okay!?" He turned to look me in the eyes, now that absolutely surprised me.

"...." I was unsure of how to respond, however he didn't stop there.

"I just haven't had the courage to come out about it... And I probably never will..." he told me as his gaze fell to the floor.

"Because you're not ready?" I asked, instantly regretting it, wishing I could take it back, but it was too late now.

"No, because Russia isn't as accepting of LGBT rights as most countries..." He began. "My family would disown me, Russia would despise me, Yakov would stop training me, I would loose everything..." he spilled his heart out as he sat there, his head hung low with his hand resting on his forehead.

"Everyone seemed okay with Victor coming home out, why would you be any different?" I asked, he looked me in the eyes before he responded.

"Because he came out with that pig, If Russia showed dislike towards them, then Japan would loose their shit and what not, trust me, Russia doesn't like Victor being gay, they just have to pretend to accept it" he tells me.

"I... never thought of it that way bef-" however, I was cut off when Yuri pinned me down onto the bed as he hovered over me.

"Y-Yuri..." I stuttered nervously with a blush.

"I know you've had a crush on me for some time, it's obvious, and to be honest, I love you too (y/n)" he looked deep into my eyes.

I saw something in them I never saw before.

Caution but also, passion...

He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.

The feeling was indescribable, they were so warm, although they had the taste of vodka on them, it was oddly... sweet.

His lips moved against mine, slowly and softly, so I could either return the kiss or push him off.

I didn't hesitate and snaked one arm around his neck as my other hand found its way into his soft, blonde tresses, which also applied a small amount of pressure, showing him I wanted this. That I wanted him.

I felt a small smile on his lips as the both of us closed our eyes and savoured the kiss for what felt like hours.

However it was cut short when my lips was met with coldness.

"I'm sorry for avoiding you for two years, it's just that... If I kept hanging out with you, everyone would speculate that I was gay, that's no excuse I know, and I don't deserve you-" I cut him off.

"I don't care if I don't deserve you, I want you, and I forgive you" I smiled.

I let out a gasp of surprise as I felt him lick and suck at the sensitive skin on my neck, I let out an enticing moan.

I covered my mouth in embarrassment of the sound I had made, but Yuri just laughed as he nibbles on my ear for a moment.

"Don't hide your moans love, I want to hear them" He purred before returning to my neck, searching for that soft spot.

"Ahh" I jumped slightly as he found the spot and his nimble fingers grabbed the hem of my shirt and began to lift it over my head, I let him do so before returning to our kiss.

But this time, I let out a moan as I felt his tongue flick against my bottom lip, he took advantage of my moan and delved the wet muscle into my mouth.

Our tongues swirled around each other as he snaked his hands up and down my waist and hips, I let out a sigh of content as I felt my arousal build.


"So Yuri finally confessed to (Y/n)..." Victor smiled as he looked through the small gap in the door.

"Uhh, what should we-" Georgi asked the white haired man.

"Let them be, the music is too loud for anyone else to hear them anyway" Victor replied to the other Russian before slowly and quietly pulling the door closed.


Ugh, it's like 2:30 in the morning and I'm so tired...
But staying up to write part 1 and 2 to this was so worth it 😊😘

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