How Cute~

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In a span of only one week, I felt like my life was complete.

After my brother Yuri's skating video went viral, Victor Nikiforov came to Japan to coach him.

But when Yuri Plisetsky came to Japan as well, I thought I had died and went to skating otaku heaven.

For about 2 years now, I've had the biggest crush on Yuri, watching him on T.V. He was so graceful in his movements, and such beauty. And the fact my room was covered in posters of him from many different competitions, but I'd never let him know that.

However, Yuri was too busy practicing every day to even talk to me. It made me sad a little, but it's not like I expected him to go out of his way to talk to me, I mean, I'm not that special or anything...

Right now it was about 7pm and I had just got home from basketball practise, I opened the door to be greeted by mom.

"Welcome home (Y/n), how was practice?" She asked me.

"Yeah, it was good I guess" I said as I took off my shoes and set my backpack beside the door.

"That's good, have a seat, dinner's almost done" she tells me, I nod and take my spot at the table, which is between my brother and Yuri, meaning Victor was sitting across from me.

"Hey (Y/n), how was your basketball practise, did you win?" He asked me.

"Sadly no, but there's always next time" I smiled at the white haired man.

"I like that about you,  even though you lost, your okay with the fact that you all tried your hardest" he smiled.

"Thanks Victor" I looked down at the table, my face blushed slightly from the praise, I wasn't used to getting compliments.

"Yurio you should take notes from
(Y/n), you could really use some positivity" he laughed at the bored looking blonde.

"I told you! I'm not responding to that stupid name, old man!" He huffed as he lied his head back on the table.

"Here we go, it's teriyaki salmon fillets tonight" Mom came in and put a bowel in front of each of us.

"Itadakimasu" the four of us clapped out hands together before we began to dig in.

*after dinner*

"Well now I'm full, I'm going to the hot spring, Yuuri come with me!" Victor grabbed Yuri and headed to the hot springs.

"Ahh Victor! (Y/n) help me!" Yuri called out to me as he was being dragged off by the white haired man.

"Have fun you two" I grinned teasingly, Yuuri just went along with Victor, with the look of defeat on his face.

I turn to look at Yuri, and to my surprise, he was out cold.

His head was rested on the table, his mouth slightly agape (no pun intended) and he would snore softly every now and then.

"How cute" I quietly coo to myself as I smiled at his sleeping form, he looked like a vulnerable kitten.

"Oh my, he's out cold. (Y/n), could you take him up to his room?" Mom asked me as she came out of the kitchen just finished washing the dishes.

"U-uhh... o-okay..." I blushed heavily, after mom walked back into the kitchen, I looked over to the blonde.

He looks so peaceful asleep, I'd hate to wake him up...

Maybe I should just carry him up to his room? He doesn't look that heavy.

But how am I gonna carry him, should I carry him on my back, or?

After having a mental argument with myself, I walked over to Yuri and after 5 minutes of awkward attempts, I got him on my back.

I grunted as I stood to my feet and hoisted him up, holding his legs to be sure I didn't drop him.

"(Y/n)..? What are you doing..?" A soft, groggy voice asked me. I jumped slightly to see that Yuri had woken up.

Oh god... I'm blushing real bad now...

"S-sorry... You were a-asleep so mom told me to t-take you to your r-room, but you looked so peaceful s-so I didn't want to w-wake y-you..." I stuttered badly, I mentally face palmed myself for acting like a love struck dork.

"It's fine... Just take me to my room" he said quietly as he wrapped his arm a little tighter around my neck so he didn't slip.

*small timeskip*

"Okay, here you go" I said as I put Yuri on his bed, it was hard so see however since I didn't turn the light on upon entering the room.

However, as he landed on his bed, he didn't let go, causing me to land in his bed. Right. Beside. Him.

"Y-Y-Yuri..." I stuttered, thank god for it being so dark on here otherwise he would have seen my best red face.

"You're so warm... Stay with me" he whispered into my ear, sending a shudder down my spine, my face was probably completely red right now.

"O-okay..." I whispered as I nervously turned around so I was facing him, and snuggled into his warmth.

His arms wrapped around my waist, bringing me even closer.

"(Y/n), I really like you, even though your that pig's sister" he tells me, I could feel tears in my eyes, I silently cried tears of happiness and over-blushing (is that a thing?)

"Y-Yuri.. I really l-l-like you too..." I whispered as I felt something warm and wet come in contact with my forehead. It was his lips.

"Good, now go to sleep" he told me soothingly.

Yuri! Are you trying to make me blush to death?!

Yuri Plisetsky One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now