Easy Tiger

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"Hey Yuri, you back already?" I called to my blonde roommate who had just come back from training.

"Yeah, Yakov dismissed everyone early" he huffed and sat beside me on the sofa, resting his head on the cushion.

"Tired?" I asked as I looked at his droopy state.

"A little" he sighs as he draws his attention to the program on T.V.

"Well you should go to bed" I stated as I scrolled through the list on Netflix.

"If I go to sleep now, I won't be able to sleep tonight" he deadpanned, turning to me slightly.

"Fine then, you wanna watch Suicide Squad?" I asked, unable to think of another movie to watch.

"You've watched that a thousand times already!" He pouted, I giggled at his childish behaviour.

"How about a horror movie?" I asked, but he shot it down.

"Nah, horror movies are boring and cliche" he brushed off, however, I got an idea.

"What's the matter? Not manly enough?" I smirked, the blonde looked butt hurt at my opinion of him.

"I'm manly!" He pouted, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah right, I've never seen you act like a man" I laughed, but what happened next caught me off guard.

Yuri crawled on top of me, caging me between the sofa and his body.

"Y-Yuri?!" I stammered, blushing from his closeness.

"I'll show you I'm a man~" he purred, pushing his lips against mine.

In reflex, I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him closer.

As his sweet lips moved against mine, he rests his hand on my hip, caressing it softly, I was blushing like crazy.

He broke the kiss and moved down to my neck, licking and biting the sensitive skin.

"Easy tiger~" I purred as I tilted my head back, allowing him more access to my neck and moved my hands to his head, caressinging his soft, blonde locks.

He continued to place kisses along my jawline and sucking at my sweet spot, causing me to let out a low moan.

But before we could go further, a loud knock and the door swinging open, Yuri and I shot our heads up, my face a deep red while Yuri looked beyond pissed.

"Yurio! I wa-" Victor stopped as he saw the position Yuri and I was in.

"Oh I'm sorry, am I interrupting something" an innocent look on his face.

Yuri got up strides over to the door, "GET OUT!" He slammed and locked the door in Victor's face, his face red from embarrassment.

"Well... I guess you really are a man" I broke the silence while looking down at my feet.

"W-whatever... I'm going to bed now..." Yuri walked up the stairs without a word.

"(Y/n)? You still there?" He asked, hesitant, I replied with a stuttered yes.

"Okay, well I left a card here last night, can you get it for me?" He asked from behind the door.

"Y-yeah... No problem..." I blushed and walked over to the kitchen counter, grabbing the blue card meant for Yuuri Katsuki.

"H-here Victor..." I slipped the card underneath the door.

"Thanks (Y/n)!" He beamed as I heard him walk off.

I walked and went back to the sofa, lying down on it.

Meanwhile, I processing what had happened just now.

"Yuri... kissed me..." I blushed as I touched my lips softly.

Yuri Plisetsky One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now