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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I stared at the screen on my phone, I had been doing so for a while now.

I tried to call him minutes earlier but there was no response. I could feel myself beginning to feel nervous...

Yuri... My angry kitten... Where is he..?

Right now it was the women's Grand Prix final, and I was so glad I had gotten nominated to skate competitively against the best of the best.

But without Yuri... I was nothing...

Every competition I've ever won, i've ever skated, he was always there, standing at the side and cheering for me to do my best.

But I was up very soon, and he wasn't here...

I decided to try again as picked up my phone and went into my call app, scrolling down to his name and hit the call button.

*ring* ... *ring* ... *ring* ... *ring*

And to my disappointment, nobody picked up, I sent him a message earlier and received no reply from the blonde.

I could feel the anxiety begin to build up within me, he wouldn't just not show up... Right?

"Mila, where is he?" I worryingly asked the red headed girl.

"I'm not sure... but don't worry! He'll be here, he'll walk though the door any minute!" She smiled and hugged my fragile body form behind.

"Thank you Mila" I sighed deeply, I'm glad that Mila was here with me for support, but she just wasn't him...

"Alright (y/n), you're up in 5" my coach jerked her thumb at the door that lead to the rink. I could already feel my heart beat faster, but I had to do this.

Even if Yuri isn't here with me...

"You'll be fine sweetie, just go out there and skate" she placed her hands on my shoulders, feeling my body tremble under her gentle touch.

"I don't know if I can..." My voice cracked slightly.

I felt her grip on my shoulders tighten, I wince under her tight grip.

"Listen to me (y/n), your one of the best skaters from (c/n) the olympics has, the show must go on" She pep talked me, but it didn't help much.

"Yuri isn't going to be around for every competition you know? He has his own life and responsibilities, he doesn't have time to watch you all the time" she stated.

"Now come on, you can do this" she patted my back before guiding me over to the doorway that lead to the rink.

"Okay" I breathed out nervously, making my way over to the rink, where millions of people will be watching me.

Taking off my skate guards and glided onto the ice, I took my place in the middle.

Yuri... It's selfish of me to expect you to be here for me every time, but I need you...

I can't be my greatest without you...

Taking a small bow, I started performance, my first combination was a triple lutz followed by a double toe, then a sit spin followed by a double salchow.

*thump* *thump*

But I felt myself slow down in the middle of the rink, staring up at the audience, puzzled by my sudden stop.

My heart rate began to pick up, my adrenaline drowning out there noise from the crowd.

I can't do this...

I collapsed to my knees and hid my face in my hands, sobbing silently. It was clear that I had failed myself and my country. All because of my selfishness.

*time skip*

"I'm so sorry" I apologised to my coach in tears.

"What happened out there? You just shut down" She hugged me tightly as I cried into her shoulder.

"I'd hate to leave you here like this, but Morgan's up any minute now..." my coaches trailed off, I assured her I'd be fine so she walked off to find Morgan.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" I heard the familiar voice of the person I was waiting for.

I looked up at him with puffy eyes, this took him by suprise "what happened? You should be skating no-" he cut himself off when a single tear rolled down my cheek, showing him that I had choked.

"Hey... Come here. It's okay, it happens" Yuri walked over to me, I stood up and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so sorry... I couldn't do it..." I apologised into his shoulder.

"Shhh, no it's my fault, I should have been here for you..." he patted me back before taking hold of my chin, making me face him.

"But I failed... I failed myself, my country, my coach... Even you" I sniffled softly before his caste lips pressed to mine, my eyes widened as I was off guard, but I adjusted to it and closed my eyes, returning the kiss.

"Like hell, don't put yourself down like that, you tried your best, and that's all you can hope to achieve" he said as he pulled me into his embrace again, letting me cry into his chest.

I may have lost my competition...

But I will never loose my love for Yuri...

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