|1|: The Warehouse Hotline

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"This hotline better do me good, all I think about is how I'm going to be grounded for a whole year, because I broke the fridge. Mom and Dad are so gonna kill me."

*Ring. Ring. Ring*

"Come on, come on, pick up the call... please."

"Welcome to the Warehouse Hotline. How can I make your day even more evil?"

"Umm, I'm calling to report a crime."

"Okay... what crime is it?"

"I broke the fridge."

"That is honestly the stupidest thing anyone could've done."

"Aren't you a hotline that can help me or something?"

"Sweetheart, if you haven't already noticed, this is supposed to be a hotline based on evil. Not good. Call the Penthouse Hotline or something."

"No! Wait."

The line was silent but there was still someone there.

"I-I'm left alone at home and I-I really don't wanna get grounded."

The line muttered,

"Wow, you sound like you wanna get kidnapped."

"Why should I help you?"

"To help a clueless girl with all the goodness in you and from the bottom of your heart will make you a better person?"

"Yeah, that doesn't sound like me."


The line was silent for a few moments, Avery was tapping her foot uncontrollably when she heard a soft sigh.

"Alright, have you tried to switch off the main fuse?"

"Um, no?"

"Wow. How old are you?"


"And you still get grounded. Okay. Go to the main power source."

Avery followed the person's order and made her way towards the main power source, pulling the cabinet draw she saw a torchlight resting. Collecting it in her hands, Avery moved towards the main power source, which was in the basement.


"What's wrong?"

"Um, haha, nothing."

"You're scared, aren't you?"

"Wha... no."

"Oh, this is so funny."

"Okay, okay. I'll go. Protect me God."

THE WAREHOUSE HOTLINE  Where stories live. Discover now