|29|: You Got It Bad

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Well... I won First Place for the Short Story Category from the Undiscovered Awards! undiscovered-awards . Thank you for giving me first place, it means the world to me!

I cannot express how happy I am and I wanted to thank all of you wonderful people who have continued to read this book and given this book your dedication, love and support! I am truly grateful, thank you!



"Sapphire. I just wanted to say, that I'm going to stop calling. Everything that I said to you was a waste. Some people don't change."

"Er, who are you?"


"Where's Sapphire? The girl that answers the phone usually."

"I'm not sure, she's not here today."

"Typical, probably doing something stupid, like a kidnapping."

There was a laugh from the other side which caused Avery to be confused and curious at the same time.

"Wait, is that right?"


"You think she's going to do some kidnapping. Listen here, girl. I don't know what you know about villains, but we don't do these baby acts. Stereotypes. Pft."

The male from the other end of the line seemed to roll his eyes.

"Wai- so you villains weren't in charge of whatever attacks had happened in the last few days."

"What? Of course not! We don't do these sort of acts. We're villains. We're more thoughtful and don't do these comical things. What era is this 1878?"

"Oh my days."

"Lemme guess, you interrogated a villain for doing some 'heinous act' in your opinion but realised it wasn't them?"

"Yes! That's exactly what I did!"

"Ooh, girl, you got it bad."

"Jeez. I didn't know."

Avery responded flatly.

"D-do you know where I can find, Sapphire?"

"Nope. But when she calls, I'll let you know."

"Wait, but you can't call me back."


The line went dead.

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