|37|: And Chase Was Gone

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This chapter is dedicated to Queen_InTheWild for being one of my first readers and being a great friend!


"Storm? Uh. I-. I have no words." Avery nodded her head.

"He didn't believe you?" Avery began again, surprised.

"Yeah, at the time, when I was on probation, him and another superhero, named Jingle, were apparently together."

"Were you two, together then?" Avery asked as Dianna nodded her head.

"I talked to someone with a cheerful voice at the Penthouse Hotline, do you think that could've been Jingle?"

"Maybe. But I'm over it anyways." Dianna shrugged as Avery nodded letting Dianna proceed.

"Storm had won the medal for guardian of the city, where Jingle kissed him, right in front of me, where I was tending to the villains at the dungeon, the big TV showing the live footage. I thought I lost all respect, from being falsely accused, to losing my powers and to see this. Everything had gone down for me." Dianna remembered as those horrible memories flashed back again.

"The villains were actually nice to me, realising my state. They saw my cheerful mood go down to this mellow and almost monotonous demeanour I now hold."

"Is that why you're always calm and cool?" Avery asked.

"I was always calm and cool, but I guess it's showing more now than before." Dianna responded.

"Plus that day was my last day off of probation. The villains in the dungeons were talking to me, making me realise how awful I'd been treated. No other superhero was treated like this. If by the worst, given a warning, but nothing to my extreme." Dianna shook her head.

"But when I received my powers again, they'd had that blue electrical flow, representing superhero powers." Dianna paused. "But I walked right out of the headquarters and saw Storm and Jingle making out, I walked for who knows how long trying to clear my mind, no tears. Nothing. When I stumbled in front of Nasher. The head villain."

"He knew and he knew what I felt. He had noticed, I wasn't around as much, I hadn't been flying around using my superpowers. That's why he offered me the role."

"The role of becoming a villain?"

"The role to becoming more respected in society. I lost a lot of my respect after being on probation. I was forced to do extreme community service, do intensive paperwork, look after dangerous villains and see my former friends fly around the city decreasing evil. I would have to clean up after them." Dianna shook her head.

"My powers were strong as a superhero. But my powers as a villain." Dianna pushed her sleeve slightly back revealing her wrists. Red electricity was surging through them, causing Avery's eyes to nearly pop out of their sockets.

"Were much more powerful."

"Th-they're red."

"Superheroes have blue powers, villains have red, coursing through their veins almost." Dianna responded as her sleeves fell down covering her wrists.

"So you work at the Warehouse Hotline?"

"The Warehouse Hotline gave me the opportunity to work not only equally but also to enhance my powers. I learnt the differences of superheroes and villains. They were completely different." Chase turned to face Avery.

Those grey-green eyes were holding mystery and knowing.

"I learnt the way these villains lived their life. Some were disgusting and gruesome, others were pretty much normal." Dianna licked her lips.

"What did your family say? Your friends?"

"When they saw me taking the villains hand, they tried to stop me of course, but my mind was already made up. I took Nasher's hand and there I was trained. I worked super hard, I fought a lot. But I gained my adventurous and risk-filled title from the villains."

This was a lot to take in for Avery, she had never realised that Dianna had such a strong yet powerful backstory. It was nothing compared to those she had heard of, but Dianna's held such suspense and action, like her life.

"Do-do you miss it?" Avery began as Dianna turned to face Avery.

"Sometimes, but then I realise that my life is better here as a villain."

"Did Storm say anything?"

"He tried to convince me, but I told him to stay with Jingle."

"What was his emotions like?"

"He looked hurt, worried and confused as well curious as to why I would do such a thing. But we all have reasons."

"Did they find the person who placed those false allegations on you?" Avery asked hopefully.

"I found who it was. Turmoil. The person who kidnapped you and Georgia."

"What? Him?!" Avery seemed disgusted. "What the. Seriously?"

"Yep. So, when the Superheroes heard about it, they also tried to convince me to come back. They apologised so many times, but I walked off. If I had to deal with someone else's faults maybe they can deal without having me on their team." Dianna's usual calm tone held some hurt in there.

"I always thought you were the best superhero. Till this day I still do! When they didn't have any answers for where Chase was, all I could think about was she okay? Is she doing well? I even have your comic books." Avery answered as Chase's corners tilted up slightly.

"But there was a new villain introduced, totally bad and rocked the outfit, until I realised that was you. Chase. The superhero had turned into Chase the villain." Avery looked at Chase who turned to her.

"I'm glad you could share your backstory with me." Avery gave a warm smile. "You're a great inspiration and a great person, Dianna." Chase slightly closed her eyes.

"Call me, Chase, Clarisse."

"We're going with those names, huh? I'll call you, Sapphire." Avery smiled brightly causing Dianna to chuckle at Avery's doings.

"I know, I know. I'm a comedian."

"You're more like a clam to me."

"Perfect way to ruin the mood, Sapphire."

"Alright, Clarisse, enjoy it while you can."


And Chase was gone.

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