|16|: Can You Ever Trust A Villain?

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"You didn't have to end the call if you didn't want to tell me your age."

"I didn't end the call, I told you Hotline commotion."


"It was a busy day yesterday. There were a lot of people calling."

"Is that what the news was about?"

"Again, the Warehouse Hotline have no relation to what happened yesterday."

"But the villain attack, they kidnapped someone!"

"I know."

"You know? Then why don't you do something!"

"Am I a cop?"


"Am I detective?"


"Am I a superhero?"


"So, what do you think I'm going to tell you."

"Go call the Penthouse Hotline. I know. I know."

"But can't you at least do something?"

"The Warehouse Hotline can only offer advice, currently. It's not something you can tail."

"Sapphire. How do I know you're not lying?"

"This is a villain's hotline. Can you ever trust a villain?"

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