|63|: Wow Indeed, Love

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This chapter is dedicated to iridescentroses for being one of my first readers! Thank you for your support! Means a lot to me.


"So you've been working together as a team secretly. Is that right?" Chase questioned as the two nodded their heads.

"Whilst being in this city for almost a week we've learnt new facts. One, Destroy is out on the loose. Two, there's a new villain in town. One were not too sure whereabouts and what he may do." Xavier admitted getting off the sofa.

"Whoever this new villain is, surely is powerful, after all they took Goodie down, which kinda explains for itself." Hunter shrugged as he sat down on a swivel chair.

"So what information have you gathered so far?" Chase asked smartly.

"Smart girl. Knew you would ask." Hunter said as he loaded up his laptop and started clicking away rapidly, as a black screen with green and white lettering started appearing on the screen.

"We've collected a whole lot of data whilst being stationed in Grainger City and coming back here gave us even more advantages." Xavier admitted.

"Is this the data on the flash drive?" Dianna asked pulling up the flash drive.

"Some parts of it. But you'll probably need that for later." Hunter explained knowingly.

"We've got a lot more data coming through as soon as Destroy does something." Xavier continued.

"Wow." Dianna breathed out.

"Wow indeed, love." Xavier nodded.

"We had some intel that Destroy would make an appearance at the party."

"The annual party?" Chase arched a brow as Hunter nodded his head. 

"He's going to plant some sort of device there, possibly taking any villain hostages he can find. That way he slowly will build his empire and turn villains against villains." Hunter explained as Chase processed the information.

"Wow, Hunter, I always knew you were smart but you jut proved to be intelligent." Chase flashed a pearly smile as Hunter returned it with his very own.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Dianna."

Xavier noticed this as Chase made her way towards the pin board noticing the precious amount of information the boys had collected over the years and months.

"I see what happened there." Xavier spoke as he looked at Hunter amused who looked up at him slightly confused. When he realised Xavier was talking about Chase he shook his head.

"What about it?" He shook his head as he was collecting books from the glass table.

"I see the way you looked at her, we know you still like her." Xavier smirked.

"Think what you want, Dean, but nothing's going to change." Hunter shook his head.

"That's if you don't try. She doesn't think of you of the geek back in middle school. She thinks of you as an intelligent being." Xavier tried.

"Where's the difference?" He breathed out sitting on the chair properly as he had a comic book in hand.

"It's been what, seven years since you last saw her, you might just have a chance, since she is single." Xavier stated in sing-song voice as Hunter shook his head at his friend's state.

"You are crazy."

"Plus you're not seeing Amanda anymore, so what's the big deal?" Xavier expressed his point. "Look at it this way, Hunter. You've grown five inches taller, you're more built, lean and muscular. You've rejected many women and still chose to date Amanda of all of those." He sneered at the mere mention of Amanda as he continued.

"You've got good hair and a good personality, someone that could be good for Chase. Plus, fun fact, she digs guys with glasses." Dean winked moving towards the couch as Hunter shook his head a smile creeping onto his lips.

"Think about it." Xavier noted as Hunter returned his focus to the comic book, his eyes falling onto something suspicious and almost accurate.

"Hey, guys." Hunter called as everyone turned to him. "Check this out." Chase and Xavier made their way back to Hunter.

"Look at this comic book." He turned it over revealing a few characters fighting a villain.

"What about it?" Xavier asked.

"Look at his attire." The two of them studied the attire and mask before coming to one conclusion.

"Destroy..." they trailed off.

"Exactly. It says that, this villain, Acid is battling someone and this happens at a rooftop." Hunter read off.

"By the pictures of it, it looks like Acid is fighting his very own kind. Villains." He paused. "Acid tries to fight hard against the villains and superheroes but fails to do so, since the power between both evil and good clash and end up destroying Acid." Hunter read off carefully.

Superheroes? They work with villains?

"What relation does this have to Destroy, exactly?" Chase asked confused.

"Acid is the main villain portrayed here." Xavier spoke studying the comic book.

"What if Acid is the cover-up name for Destroy?" Chase figured out. "What if Acid and Destroy..." she stopped.

"Are the same person." Xavier and Hunter pieced it together.

"So, what you're saying is that Acid and Destroy are the same person? Destroy is copying this villain, Acid's tactics? But why?" Xavier asked.

"No idea, but whatever it is, he's surely planning something big." Hunter answered as the three lingered over the thought.

"Unless, if it's-." Hunter continued.

"Don't say it." Chase shook her head.

"City domination."

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