|34|: Are You A Villain?

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This chapter is dedicated to my amazing friend, Aaminah

Happy Birthday, Armpit! Have a good one🎉🎊🎂❤️ somethingaboutZiam


Avery yelled through the piece of cloth that covered her mouth. The only sounds that came out her mouth were muffled words.

"Pipe down!" The villain yelled as Avery and Georgia were both tied up and seated at the far corner of the room.

"Just waiting for the Underdog's orders and I can say bye-bye to dirty dishing duty." He smirked as he looked down at his device.

Avery and Georgia both looked at each other, Georgia signalled for something, which made Avery look at her confused.

Georgia was doing something behind her back, making Avery grow curious, Georgia's hands were free from the ropes. Avery stared at Georgia's hands to see a pocket knife in hand.

Georgia and Avery moved more closer to each other, being careful not to attract any attention from the villain in front of them, Georgia discreetly took off the ropes that enraptured Avery's hands as she was free.

Avery and Georgia sat idle as they saw the villain staring at them.

"I've got my eye on you both." He turned his eyes away to face the device. "No service?" He breathed some incoherent words underneath his breath before glancing at the girls and moving towards the outside of the room.

Georgia and Avery took this as their opportunity to make an escape, they pulled the rags down from their mouths and headed out through the window to the roof; where there was a secret escape route.

"Quickly." Georgia urged as Avery boosted herself up, Georgia climbed up like a pro, as they heard some noise coming from the room once again.

"Hey! Get back here!" Avery and Georgia stared running only to find the villain hot on their heels.

"Don't test my patience!" He yelled as Georgia and Avery hustled through the massive rooftop, only for Georgia to be stopped at the edge of the roof.

She turned around only to see the villain standing right in front of her with a gun cocked to her head.

"Move it." He called as Georgia did so, walking slowly, when Avery smashed a glass bottle on the villain for the gun to fall from his grasp and blood start to ooze from his head.

"You dirty little-!" He threw his fist as Avery used her hands to shield herself, only to not feel the impact.

Avery opened her eyes to see that the fist was nowhere near her. Instead someone had caught the fist in their grasp.

"You probably shouldn't have done that." The voice sounded like it was altered, they had dodged the multiple throws the villain was throwing.

Georgia and Avery went to the far corner of the building trying to protect themselves.

The masked figure had thrown a few punches and done quite some damage to the villain, but not enough. They had dodged his kicks and flipped him over, whilst he was on the ground, the figure's fist collided with his face constantly.

The villain had used his laser gun on the figure who dodged or ducked diligently, not getting attacked as they had some serious skills. The figure did shoot some air power at them from their gloved hand, which resulted in a full blown villainvsvillain throwdown.

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