|9|: Revenge Sucks

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"Welcome to the Warehouse Hotline. How can I make your day even more evil?"


"What's the matter. Not your cheerful self today?"

"How'd you know it's me? And yes."

"Simple. You're the only person that calls at 8:18pm sharp."

"Well, okay. A plan worked sort of."

"Sort of?"

"My best friend saw for herself and it didn't take long for a new plan to hatch."

"But, it all went to vein, seeing that Asha only egged his house."

"Was that your only plan?"

"Well, besides the plan that you told me about. She was too busy already grabbing the eggs,"

"The Warehouse Hotline have no immediate connection to any sort of revenge attack that may have happened yesterday. It's a new day, new calls."

"Wow. I knew evil was bad but I never expected them to be this bad."

"What can I say, evil is dark."

"Revenge sucks."

"Does it, really?"

"Yes, it does, Sapphire."

"I don't know why you're apart of the evil hotline when you seem to know nothing about evil."

"Trust me, Clarisse, you don't wanna know."

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