|49|: I Came Here For Some Business

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"No way. I can't do that!" Avery shook her head.

"That's right, I forgot they're mortals." Memphis looked at Chase.

"Hey, just because we don't carry the crime on our shoulders doesn't mean we should start." Georgia defended.

"Why don't you think of something else? Something that doesn't involve me getting kidnapped and potentially thrown over a building."

"Relax, if that happens, Chase will catch you." Memphis assured as she patted Chase who looked at Avery.

"I have no other choice, not to."

"Wow, Chase." Avery shook her head.

"Hey!" The girls looked towards where the voice was coming from.

"You just played a foul."

"Where's your proof?"

"Cut it out, guys." Someone with dusty blonde hair interjected.

"Or what, pretty boy?" She heard another voice enter, she caught a few men moving out of the scene possibly not wanting to get into this heated conversation.

"Or else, you'll get beaten up." A new voice entered as all heads moved to the sound of the voice. The girls got a better view of this person as they had their hood up, wearing all black, potentially being a vigilante.

"And who are you?" Someone snapped.

"Your worst nightmare." Someone spat as they came from the hidden corner.

"We're not scared of you."

"You sure about that?" Someone else came from behind as the three boys looked really powerful.

"Is their going to be some bloodshed happening here?" Avery whispered as Chase shrugged.

"Hey, back off, why don't you." The person that fouled pushed one of the three boys as everyone was quiet.

"You just made a mistake." Everything happened instantaneously.

The person that pushed one of the boys was now slammed onto the pool table as the other two boys were fighting the other people who were getting in their way.

Avery and Georgia were now shielding themselves.

"Seriously? This happens all the time!" Memphis slapped her thighs as Chase pulled her mask up.

Avery and Georgia were watching everything that was happening in horror. The three boys were strong and were taking out most of the people who came in their way.

Someone was thrown in the direction of Avery and Georgia as the girls gasped only to have the person thrown at them hadn't reached them. Chase's hand was open as a gust of wind travelled making the person land on the sofa instead.

"Told you she'd save you." Memphis shrugged looking at Avery who shook her head.

"Ah!" Someone yelled as they bashed into Chase, pushing her to the ground.

Avery and Georgia were both hiding underneath a table as they heard Memphis speak.

"Uh, oh. This isn't going to be good." Chase grabbed a pool stick, from the ground as she stood up and turned around to face the person who lunged at her. 

"You probably shouldn't have done that."

With that Chase, whacked the stick on the person as he shook his head. He threw a hit at Chase as she caught his hand and flipped him over.

Another person lunged at Chase with a yell as she instantly ducked and got up to only see a snooker ball thrown in her direction as they missed from hitting Chase, however one snooker ball was thrown which Chase caught in her right hand.

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