|20|: Kicked Your Sorry Butt

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Everything was dark in this alleyway. The street lamp only gave the glimmer or hope, which made the atmosphere spookier than it already was.  

The city's sounds were faintly heard in the background, with only the pitter patter of delicate raindrops falling to the hard, concrete ground.

The alleyway wasn't usually the best place to meet, since the dealers of the night always arrived, but they had disappeared and lost all power upon seeing a villain.

No mortal messes with a villain or superhero.

The sound of laughter heard distinctively as the wind brushed past people cooling them down.

"Ah, what can I do for you?" The villain of the night smirked.

"Here to kick my butt? Or twist my ears and send me home?" He chuckled.

"I heard you're quite the showstopper."

Two figures stood face to face, two villains standing across each other.

"That's true." He chuckled.

"What made you the Underdog of the villain's world?"

"Practice and lots of mockery, you should try it out sometime."

"Mockery, that's funny."

"Funny? Care to interpret?"

"Oh, nothing. How many people have you made a mockery out of?"

"A couple thousand. Today blew it off though. Knocked out a girl completely and raided her money before taking her to the alleyway and leaving her there." The Underdog chuckled.

"That was you?"

"Of course. Who else is brave enough to do that?"

"Kinda pathetic isn't it?"


"You knocked out a girl and then raided her cash."

"What would've you done, lilac?"

"Kicked your sorry butt."

"Wanna repeat that?"

"You heard me, right."

The Underdog looked vexed, the blood boiling to his face as he threw a blow towards the mysterious figure, who caught it, the deafening sound booming throughout the alleyway.

"You probably shouldn't have done that."

The mysterious figure grabbed the Underdog's fist and turned it over, creating a raucous sound, he yelled before releasing out of the mysterious figures grasp and decided to lunge at them, the mysterious figure fell to the floor as the Underdog's fist came in contact with the floor.

Flipping over, the mysterious figure threw punches at the Underdog who's face started to become more bloody. The Underdog pushed the mysterious figure off who stood up only to receive a blow to the shoulder.

The mysterious figure winced before kicking the Underdog in the abdomen as he clutched his stomach. The mysterious figure flipped the Underdog over before grabbing the Underdog by the shirt and slammed him hard into the wall.


"Watch where you go, because they'll be people watching your every move." The mysterious figure dangerously spoke as they let go, just as the Underdog fell to the ground.

"Ah!" He yelled as he charged at the figure, who dodged, making the Underdog flying in to the trash can.

The mysterious figure heard the Underdog's voice crack as he panted, finding it uncomfortable in the dumpster.

"Who are you?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

And with that the mysterious figure stuffed their hands into their pockets, with their hood still on framing their identity, disappearing down the streets of Empire State City.

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