|30|: You've Been Placed On Hold

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"Welcome to the Warehouse Hotline. How can I make your day even more evil?"


"You've been placed on hold."

"Darn it! Please Sapphire!"

"You've been placed on hold."

The phone had been removed off of hold and some shuffling was heard.


"Sapphire! I-I."

"Who is Sapphire?"

"Please put her back on the line."

"I'm sorry, but there is no one who works in this building called, Sapphire."

"Give the phone back to the girl. Now."

"Listen here, I'm telling you some decent facts here. No one works here under that name-."

"And you listen to me, put that girl on the line or else, I will sue your telephone hotline."

"You can try, sweets."

There was some shuffling before the phone had returned.


"Sapphire. I-I'm sorry."

"I shouldn't have done that, I know you can't forgive me, but I really feel like a sick maniac."

"Please, say something."

"Anything else?"

"Sapphire. I know I shouldn't have judged quickly, but all I kept thinking about was you and your villain hotline because of you all I had assumed things-."

"Yes, you assumed. Now if you're finished, I have thirty eight other calls to attend to."


"I don't have time for apologies, Avery. I don't have time for people to assume and place these false allegations onto me. It was your choice to call the Warehouse Hotline, the biggest villain hotline in, Empire State City. You began the conversation. You ended it when you stooped to a low level."

Sapphire's voice was obviously masked but still it sounded monotone and calm, however there was a flicker of anger in there somewhere. That anger was triggered by Avery herself.

"I'm trying to be truthful here! I really am sorry. I want to make it up to you."

"No offence, Clarisse, but I think you've done enough."


The line went dead.

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