|62|: Pop Went The Bubble

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Chase had came to the meeting point wearing a masked attire covering her from head to toe, a voice enhancer and of course, her usual black clothes.

She stepped into the alleyway as she saw a figure retreat out from the dark.

"You arrived."

"I wasn't kidding about the sewage joke." She muttered as she noticed a sewage pipe near the person.

"It's good you arrived on time, this is crucial information not to be toyed with." He admitted as Chase scrunched her brows slightly staring at the figure.

"Who is this villain?" She asked him as the boy replied throwing a flash drive at her, as she caught it single handedly.

"All the information is there, process it." The boy replied as Chase stared at him.

"Why would you give me this without telling me why."

"Because some things cannot be explained, Chase." She looked at him slightly confused.

"That's right, I know you, Dianna." She looked at him, as not many people knew Dianna Chase, some new 'Chase' or 'Mystery Girl' but never did they address her by her first name, it's like the identity crisis.

Chase slowly pulled her mask down and flicked her hood off as the boy did too.

"Who are you?" She asked him as the boy smirked.

She saw dark hair, emerald eyes and a tall frame. Those eyes seemed familiar somehow, but she couldn't place a finger on it.

"Think hard, Dianna." She stepped a bit closer as she took in this person's features still confused.

"Pop went the bubble." Her eyebrows raised up in surprise, trying to recall who this person could be.

"Xavier." She breathed out, realisation finally hitting her hard as he smirked.

"What are you doing here?" She asked regaining her hard composure.

"Can I not see my partner in crime and best friend?" He asked as she shook her head.

"How have you been?" She asked Xavier Dean.

The biggest bad boy known in State City. The boy that befriended her when she was only three years old and have been a close pair ever since. The girls swooned over his beautiful eyes and were weak to the knees when he smirked. They were jealous of his thick, dark brows and that killer smile he used at times.

He was the epitome of good looking and dangerous at the same time. 

"I've been good, sugar. How have you been?" He smirked giving Chase her famous nickname.

"I've been good, emerald." He shook his head, letting loose a smile as he heard the familiar words escape from her lips.

"Ah, it feels good to hear that." He sighed.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in Grainger City." Dianna looked at her best friend.

"Well, I found out the person I was looking for moved back here." He breathed out.

"Bummer, who is this person anyways?" Chase asked as Xavier's eyes lifted up to his best friend's.

"You wouldn't believe me, if I told you."

"You're joking, right?" She called shocked by this news.

They had come to the undercover lounge of Xavier's place where they'd used to talk for hours about superhero and villain relating things and working together as a team, that was until Xavier moved to Grainger City and Chase became more evolved into villain regarding things.

"I'm not."

"You were chasing after Destroy, why is this moron constantly asking for trouble?" Chase irritatedly exclaimed.

"No idea." He answered calmly.

"Who called the Warehouse Hotline?"

"Oh, that was Hunter."


"Shipmann." He paused. "The geek from our school."

"No wonder why the voice sounded familiar." Dianna realised.

"But why'd he call?"

"Fredrick's orders."

"Of course it was." She breathed out.

Fredrick was Xavier's older brother, the two of them were pretty close and always worked together constantly, so it was no surprise hearing Fredrick had called this meeting.

"Why am I here again?"

"To know who this new villain is." Both heads turned to face in the direction of the door to see Hunter Shipmann standing there. He had changed. Drastically.

He had grown taller, muscular and maybe even more handsome, he had glasses on giving a cute vibe around him as his previous shaggy hair had transformed from the more floppy blonde hair, that had been pushed back into a decent haircut.

"Hey, sweet chicks." He smiled as Chase returned it with her very own.

"What's up, grit salt?"

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