|11|: How Can I Help You, Pretty Lady?

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"Welcome to the Warehouse Hotline. How can I make your night even more evil than it already is?"

"I'm sure it's, 'how can I make your day even more evil?'"

"Well then, sue me."

"How can I help you, pretty lady?"

"How do you know I'm a girl?"

"By the sound of that squeaky voice, I'm sure it's a girl."

"Nice. Real nice."

On the other end of the line, Avery heard a deep chuckle.

"By any means do you know where Sapphire is?"

"Sapphire? We have no one named Sapphire working in this building."

"Oh right, sorry. The girl or guy who answers the phone."

"You're gonna have to be more precise, little lady. There are a lot of girls and guys that work here."

"The cool and calm one."

"Oh! You're talking about — oh, she isn't here today. She's got the day off."

Avery thought for a few seconds, so she'd been talking to a girl.

"Oh, okay, can you tell her, Clarisse rang?"

"Clarisse? Uh, okay? Have an evil night."

"You too."

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