|54|: Surveillance

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Chase and Memphis were currently on the road, being a villain had its perks and its upside downs as well. Any person in their right mind wouldn't just go to Headquarters 103, they'd plan before doing anything.

That's why, Memphis and Chase were taking the long route to seek for answers first. Stopping at the gas station, Chase and Memphis got out locking the door behind them and walked inside the gas station. The bell rang while they entered signalling their presence.

Moving towards the counter they spotted, Joe. He looked at them studying them before nodding their heads. He moved towards a door as he clicked a button placing on the invisible glass, where no one could see him from the outside, it'd look like an illusion if he was really there.

They moved towards the door and entered going down the stairs as Joe breathed out.

"What's wrong this time?"

"Destroy is back and he was directing his attack to two mortals." Memphis explained as Joe arched a brow.

"Mortals? Usually it's villains. What could he possibly want, an eight month hiatus doesn't give him enough time to take a break. Jeez." Joe mumbled.

"What can I do?" He asked the girls.

"Surveillance." Chase answered for the first time being in the gas station.

"Hey, Chase. How you holding up?" Joe asked her concerned.

"Destroy needs to be dealt with or else he'll keep giving all the other villains a hard time." Chase responded as Joe nodded his head.

He moved towards a small space as he placed his palm on the wall, an outline of his hand was in green as the wall opened to reveal footage. Joe pulled out a flash drive from one of the cupboards and plugged it in, fast forwarding it to anything suspicious.

"There. Stop." Memphis caught hold of something.

"That's Hyde." Memphis recognised as Chase furrowed her brows.

"That scrawny guy with the deep glares?" Joe questioned as Chase nodded her head.

"What's he doing with Evan?" Then it dawned upon them.

What was Hyde doing with Evan, what exactly were these two talking about?

"Could you turn the volume up?" Chase asked as she looked at the screen, Joe did so as they heard the full conversation.

"Listen here, kid. I don't like to be messed with."

"Neither do I." Evan lowly stated.

"Just because you're a special one doesn't mean you have the audacity to take me down." Hyde spat.

"I will hurt you in ways you won't even think possible." Evan grabbed Hyde by the collar.

"Oh yeah, I'd like to see you try."

"Leave it, Evan this idiot is just bringing more trouble." Another voice spoke as Chase recognised the boy to be one of Evan's friends.

"Logan's right, we know he won't give us answers."

"Tell me what you know about Destroy." Evan let go of Hyde. "Or else, I'll expose some dark secrets." Evan trailed off.

"What do you think you know?"

"Case #ED281." Hyde's eyes widened as he swallowed.

"You wouldn't dare." Hyde lowly stated.

"Try me." Evan walked off as Hyde was contemplating with himself.

"Alright. Listen." Hyde breathed out. "Destroy doesn't reveal his identity. He just shows up and leaves whenever he wants too. He's going to be there at Premises 101 tonight." It sank in, he was there tonight. He must've been apart of the fight that took place today.

"How do we know you're not lying." Someone spoke.

"Cameron's right. What if it's a hoax?"

"Oh it won't be if he's occupying us to the party." Evan stated as Hyde looked at him confused.

"I am not going."

"You will or else that case will be leaked and that's bad news for you." Evan dangerously answered taking a step towards Hyde as he gulped.

Chase looked at the four of them as the tape played when something caught her eye.

"Wait! Rewind that." Chase had her arms folded across her chest as Joe did so.


There was a figure silently creeping behind the brick wall as he was looking over the boys. He had a mask on and looked like those anonymous hackers.

"Press play." Chase licked her lips.

As soon as it played, Hyde's eyes moved towards the brick wall as the figure who seemed to be Destroy nodded his head at Hyde and lurking back into the brick wall.

"Well, would you look at that."

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