|14|: Homework

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"Welcome t-."


"If it isn't the girl who gave me a random name."

"I'm surprised you didn't yell at me for interrupting you."

"What is it this time? Broken door? Cracked wall?"


"What happened to, 'ahead of time.'"

"Oh, that, right..."

"Well. Umm, it's Science. I'm not the best at it."

"You do realise-."

"Yes. Yes. This is a hotline for evil. Not for good or helping. Call the Homework Hotline, I'm sure they would forward me to someone in the Chemistry department."

"Couldn't have said it better myself. Pretty sure they don't have a hotline for that yet."

"Really? This city lives off of Hotlines."

"My point expressed."

"It's probably under the making."


"Right, so will you help me with my homework?"


"I'm going to say it anyway."

"We have a gathering of gas, plasma in our and other galaxies. What exactly do you say about this?"

"What should I say?"

"I don't know. That's why I'm asking you."

"Physics. A sore thumb to all."


"Never heard of that phrase before?"

"No, I guess it's the first time I've heard it."

"Everyone dislikes physics, because they say it's too hard to understand."

"Or it involves too many numbers."

"It's quite straight forward, really."

"Care to explain?"

"Stars. Planets and the Galaxy. It regards physics."

"I like where this is going."

"The planets are gathered by these listed."

"Yeah, everyone knows that. Don't we have a word for that?"


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