|2|: Go Upstairs, Genius

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Avery moved down the steps with the torch in her hand, shaking as the creaking of the floorboards made her wince internally. She had scanned the area quickly before finding the main power source.

Moving towards the main power source, she found the one where it was labelled, 'Fridge'.

"Okay, now what?"

"Go upstairs, genius."

"Alright, calm down."

"Trust me, I'm calm."

"Okay, I'm upstairs, now?"

"Now, go to your fridge."

"What exactly was the problem?"

"Uhh, I did something?"

"Which is..."

"I don't know, I tripped over something then the fridge went off."

"Off? Okay, go to your fridge. Behind the fridge is where your cable is. By any means did you pull out the plug?"

Avery moved to see that the person on the other end of the line was right.


"I was right, weren't I?"

"Um, yeah."

"Go plug it in, then switch on your main power fuse."

Avery followed the person's advice as she made her way downstairs to the basement to switch on the main power of the fridge again before heading up the stairs.

"There was no point in even using the torchlight."

"Alright, bye."


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