|23|: Health Clinic For Superheroes (MC)

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"What do you want?"

"What do you think?"

The figure stared at the person in front of them. A superhero. A very well known superhero.

"Chase, why don't you give up the act?"

"What act?"

"The villain act. You're not a villain. You never were."

"And I never was a hero either." The figure responded.

There was silence. Pin drop silence.

"You knew that superheroes had enemies. Those enemies were always going to be villains, yet you decided to be on their side. Why?"

"They understood me." Chase, licked their lips.

"We understood you."

"Save it, Storm. I don't have time for this." Chase began to walk when Storm caught on.

"You're hurt."

"I'm fine." Chase responded calmly as Storm arched a brow.

"We all know you're not." Chase looked at Storm as they lifted up their hand from their side to see more blood oozing.

"Come on."


Chase and Storm made their way to the 'Health Clinic for Superheroes', the familiar surroundings hit Chase perfectly that the memories started flooding through their mind.

Chase blinked away as both walked into the hospital.

"Storm, what brings you here today and... Chase?" The nurse exchanged a glance from Chase to Chase's side to see they were injured.

"Oh dear! Dr Tia, you're needed." Within seconds Dr Tia came out a room to see Chase, she was taken aback but looked at Chase's side to see more blood.

"Come on, Chase." She said

Dr Tia had just finished patching up Chase and prescribed some medication.

"Sweetheart, you have to be more careful."

"I know that you're a villain and all, but you're still going to be my niece always, no matter what."

Chase looked up to see her aunt staring down at her with soft eyes, she nodded her head slowly and headed out of the room, to hear a familiar voice call her name.

"Chase!" She turned around to see Storm.

"What can I do for you?" Chase answered calmly.

"Let's get your medicine."

The two of them made their way towards the Pharmacy to be greeted by a cheerful voice.

"Ah! Storm! And Chase? Nice to see you here, again. How are you doing?"

"Fine." She handed the prescription as Ria smiled at her knowing Chase's changed demeanour.

"Here you go." Chase took the medication with bandaged fists and made her way through the hallways again.

"Lighten up, Chase. Don't you miss this?"

"No." She responded blandly making her way past her former superhero community.

"Nothing's been the same since you left." Storm spoke as Chase continued walking.

"Everything seems more distant, without you." She stopped as she stared at her prescription and faced Storm.

"Yeah, well everything seems more fine, for me." They both locked eyes and Storm knew what she was trying to say.

"Does it really?" He asked her softly.

"It does." She responded leaving the hospital and out into the world again.

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