|7|: The Penthouse Hotline

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"Hi and welcome to the Penthouse Hotline. How can I make your day more super?"

"Oh, hi."

"Hi, there."

"I've got a problem."

"Go ahead, I'll try and be as helpful as I can."

"You see I saw my best friend's boyfriend cheat on her with the school's popular girl. Now I don't know what to do."

"Oh dear, the best advice I can give you right now is. First tell her the news. Then let her break up with him, maybe even embarrass him, but that's beyond. You get what I am saying?"

"Oh, never thought about it like that."

"Well, we're here to help you after all. We're superheroes wanting to help the city fight crime and evil."


"Yeah, evil. Have you heard about The Warehouse Hotline?"

"Yeah, they actually recommended me to call the Penthouse Hotline's services."

"Oh, that doesn't sound about right — unless..."

The line had gone quiet for a few moments until the cheerful voice returned again.

"Thank you for discovering us, I hope The Penthouse Hotline have given you great advice. Is there anything you'd like to ask us?"

"Are the Warehouse Hotline the villains of this story?"

"Uh, that's actually up to the author I suppose. But I assure you, villain or not, it's good you came to seek the Penthouse Hotline's advice. Have a good night."

"You too."

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