|85|: Watch Out

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Hi... I know what you're all thinking. Where were you for a month and 4 days? Well I guess on a break. I haven't been much active on Wattpad, but I assure you that'll change! I hope you enjoy this chapter, even though it's kind of a filler one. I will update more frequently, so I won't be away all the time.


Chase awoke from her 'nap' as she turned to the side to see her clock read, 6. She fell asleep for over eighteen hours. She closed her eyes before opening them up again.

Pushing herself back until she was up, Chase yawned into the palm of her hand, before moving her hair away from her face. Looking at the crutches on the side of her bed, she grimaced.

She hated having crutches. Never did she need them or never did she want them. She grabbed them before making her way towards the bathroom.

Propping the crutches at the doorstop she went into the bathroom, doing her usual routine. She splashed water onto her face feeling alive again. Glancing up at the mirror, Chase's eyes felt more lighter for some odd reason.

She saw some colour flash on her wrist as she pulled her sleeve up to see some red flickering. Rolling her eyes,

"You're only prominent when I'm full on villain mode. Ridiculous."

Chase brushed her teeth and decided to take a shower. She grabbed some clear bags and wrapped it around her injuries before going into the shower and washing her hair.

The scent of vanilla and coconut refreshed herself. Sighing, she stepped out of the shower and changed into a pair of black high waisted jeans, a black jumper and some converses. She wanted to go outside today and knew that it'd be good to get some fresh air.

It was still dark in the morning. She glanced outside of the window to see very little people on the roads. Grabbing her black coat, she zipped it up, lifting up her hood in the process. Slipping her phone in her coat pocket.

Grabbing her crutches she slipped them on and started waddling with these two metal sticks. Muttering incoherently underneath her breath and just knowing how much crutches irritated her, she got only as far to two blocks.

Rolling her eyes, Chase made her way towards the closest park as she hopped with the two metal sticks guiding her legs as well as being latched to her arms.

She honestly hated not walking or running, you're probably thinking, she's a superhero but why isn't she using her powers?

Chase's powers also need to be restored since she did get injured and it did drain some part of her, remembering the fact that she was in a coma.

"Stupid heroic act." She muttered underneath her breath as she reached a bench, plopping down.

Chase inhaled the scent of the lightly damp weather flooding through the air as well as the fresh yet distant scent of coffee. Opening her eyes, Chase caught sight of a couple arguing in the distance, a couple of people walking along the way to school and a few homeless people, but all in all everything was tiny compared to the size of this huge park.

Sighing, Chase closed her eyes for a brief moment before it was cut short by a small distraction. Her eyes opened at the sight of something far — further in the distance of someone running, a girl with her hood up was running without a care followed by three strangers behind her.

She was fast, Chase had to admit. She looked fearless, brave and strong. The girl was starting to close up towards where Chase — but at a good distance. She had turned her head the slightest to see the three men on her heel.

The sound of her converses patting on the ground echoed through Chase's ears as she grew curious as to why a girl would be running at 6:30 in the morning, especially with three grown men hot on her feet.

She got up and started to walk not really interested at the moment. As she was walking not even ten feet, she could feel some rushing steps gaining closer behind her.

Before Chase had anytime to register anything, all she heard was,

"Watch out." She had turned around to see someone crash right into her dropping both girls smacked down, and on the ground.

"Oof." Was heard as the duo landed on the grass.

The girl lifted her head up staring at the three men; who were glaring at the two as she smirked at them with a dignified impression.

"You." One of them maliciously stated.

"Did you really think you could get away?" Another smirked at the girl as she stared at them with furrowed brows.

The other pulled her up and twisted her arm behind her back. Chase stared at all of this from the ground as she glanced up at the four of them before pulling herself up from the ground with the crutches still latched onto her arms.

Dusting herself off, Chase averted her eyes back onto the three men who caught the girl by the wrist.

"Don't ever think about running away." She had gritted her teeth, before kicking the person who she was under hostage in, yelped. She twisted his arm causing a sound to erupt.

This then alerted the other two members. The girl looked so fearless in this situation, which Chase seemed to admire and seem impressed and maybe even amused.

The girl knew the other two men were coming for her, so she dodged one of the blows sent to her and punched him right in the nose. The second person was doubling in pain from the possibly already broken nose.

She seemed unstoppable with what she was doing almost as if this was a usual thing for her. She grabbed the second person and flipped him over, causing Chase's brows to lift up in pure amusement.

The valiant girl had kicked the last person in the abdomen and gave an uppercut to his jaw making him fly to the ground. Chase's lips parted in shock. She never knew any superhero or villain who could fight like this. She was impressed with this unknown person.

However, as the girl was battling out the third person there was the first person crawling from the ground with a knife pulled out. They were ready to attack the girl.

Something kicked inside of Chase as her body rushed towards the first man and punched the knife out of his hand causing it to fly to the other side. The man took notice of what was happening as he glared at Chase, who in return looked at his angry state and smirked.

"You shouldn't have done that, girly."

He was read to fight her with his fists going all places, Chase managed to block and dodge most of them. She saw the person charge at her as she stuck her crutch out making him trip over before kicking him down into the floor. He fell to the floor with a groan as the brave girl had knocked the man out.

"And you probably shouldn't have called me girly." She shrugged.

The two men started running away, even carrying the third member who was possibly unconscious now. Chase started towards the tall girl, matching her height.

She had this beautiful complexion as well as powerful brown eyes with long jet black hair that was framed by a hoodie. She stood tall and powerful, making Chase seem impressed with the aura.

She took a clear view of the girl and saw some light and darkness in her eyes. Who was this beauty?


"Chase. Dianna Chase." She stuck her hand out as the girl shook Chase's hand with her very own.

"Grace. Grace Science."

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