|71|: Shiz, Dunk And Wreck

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It was the day of the annual party and Chase wasn't exactly prepared. She heaved her body out of bed and made her way to the bathroom as she fixed herself up.

She changed into a light blue loose top, black skinny jeans and added a leather jacket. She paired her outfit with some black VANS and left her hair in its usual state.

Dianna glanced at herself in the mirror before making her way outside, she didn't wear her mask or hood today seeing today's as the annual party and not many mysteries or attacks which was pretty usual.

Chase casually strolled down the streets with her hands stuffed into her leather jacket as she caught sight of mortals laughing happily and talking away with their friends.

Chase glanced in the direction of shops, she had noticed shop keepers and customers maintain a good relationship as she passed by truck drivers.

She made her way to the right destination and she knew she had come to the right place.

Knocking on the door three times with a slight kick from the heel, Chase waited, the slot opened to reveal familiar brown eyes looking at her.

"Open the door, Memphis."

The door opened to reveal a smiling Memphis. "I'm sorry, I just enjoy doing that to you." Chase shook her head at her friend's rebellious ways.

"Have you got a dress then?" Memphis asked clearly excited over this annual party.

"Yep." Chase responded plopping herself on the couch.

"Great! We're going together and going to have a blast!" Memphis squealed as Chase shook her head.

"You scream like a teenage girl." Chase shook her head.

"Dianna! I am very excited, for this and you should be too. It's the only day in a year where villains and superheroes can be civil with each other. Besides, aren't you at least a little happy to see your family?"

The sound of that caused Chase to look up at Memphis as she looked away.

"I am." She nodded in response.

She rarely saw her family, she hadn't seen her little twin siblings or her own twin. She knew that whenever she did see them, it wasn't always the warmest meetings. Her presence with her family wasn't always the best.

It was as if she was a stranger to them, but Chase had to grow upon that. She couldn't keep trying, no matter how hard she did. She sighed as she stood up.

"So, why exactly am I here?" She arched a brow as the doorbell rang, Memphis smiled discreetly as she rushed to the door, there stood the delivery dude, with a big package in his hand.

Memphis signed it off, as she entered with the parcel in hand. There, Memphis opened the huge parcel, to which caused Chase's brows to lift up in surprise.

There were weapons out in front of her, villain weaponry to be precise. There were lasers, a pair of glasses, a hat, skateboards, which may not seem like weapons, but they did intrigue Chase.

"Why do you have these?" Dianna asked casually.

"We're going to do some last minute preparation." Memphis smirked as Chase stared at her friend confused.

"You have got to be kidding me."

They were currently dressed like geeks. Dianna had her hair tucked into a bun, a maroon thin sweater with a white collar, black skinny jeans. Big, black thick rimmed glasses framed her eyes as she exhaled.

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