|8|: The Warehouse Hotline's Advice

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"Alright. I talked to the Penthouse Hotline's services and I actually got good advice, but I want to hear your advice."

"I see you crawled back for more."

"Alright, do you wish to hear the Warehouse Hotline's advice or my advice?"


"Good idea."

"My advice is: to first tell your friend and then hatch a plan to which you can take him down. Give him a taste of his own medicine and maybe he will admit to it all. If not, then the call is yours and your friend's whether to beat the trash out of him or humiliate him."

"Wow, that's actually pretty good."

"But the Warehouse Hotline's advice is: to take him down and do it discreetly especially for a mortal."

"They both seem to be good ideas. I'll go with a mixture."

"Good call. Plus I have to say a disclaimer with all advices I give."

"Oh, okay. What is this disclaimer?"

"The Warehouse Hotline are not in charge of any mysterious attacks or plans if they may go to waste. As well as don't quote me on this, 'upset feelings or revenge'."

"Wow. Good to know. But I'm sure this plan won't foil."

"See you later, Sapphire."


The line went dead.

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