|81|: Eat Some Pudding

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First of all I wanted to say thank you for continuing to read this book even when my updating schedule was not up-to-date. Sometimes Wattpad wouldn't allow me to update and that'd just irritate me even more since I really wanted to give more to my lovely readers. Anyways, we reached 3K! I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you, when a small comment makes me laugh or a vote makes me smile, I thank you all. Even those who lurk around in the corners.

Without much ado continue reading


"Dante... what-what are you doing here?" Georgia swallowed in fear as Chase noticed this.

"I miss you, love." The stranger softly spoke coming closer to Georgia who lifted her hand up and turned to the side.

"I want nothing to do with you." Her voice came out hard and this 'Dante' had narrowed his eyes slightly.

He was still oblivious to the fact that Chase was sitting on the bed trying to eat her food, when he had to interrupt her. Nothing gets between a girl and her food.

"What do you mean, babe-." Georgia looked up and glared at Dante.

"Don't you dare call me that." She spat in disgust.

"Why, you always loved that." He smirked taking a step closer as Georgia narrowed her eyes into slits at his audacity. Chase lifted up the spoon and was about to place a spoonful of rice pudding in her mouth when she stopped.

"You were always kind to visit the disabled." Georgia's eyes widened in horror as Chase moved her head up slowly placing the spoon down.

"What'd you just say?" She said in a quiet voice as Dante looked at Georgia.

"You always had a kind heart even when we were dating." He held her hand softly and rubbed circles. "So why not find it in your heart to forgive me." He softly breathed as Georgia looked up at him and shoved him ahead causing him to stumble.

"I dumped you, seeing you with that rat, Vera Bert. Don't you come marching in and wanting me back in your life, just because you couldn't handle plain rejection. Just because no girls want to be with you now since I dumped your sorry butt, doesn't mean you can think your play boy charms will work on me." She seethed as Dante looked at her astonished by her changed attitude.

Within seconds, Georgia was shoved against the wall, as Dante narrowed his eyes, his eyes turning cloudy as Georgia didn't stumble back, she dared him further.

"I cheated on you and you think you can talk to me like this. Who do you think you are?" He spat as Georgia butt heads with Dante causing him to groan but raise a hand at Georgia, but had never reached Georgia's face.

Georgia and Dante both turned to the source of who held Dante's hand. Chase stared at Dante with a hardened stare.

"Don't you dare raise a hand on a woman." He dropped his hand as he let go of Georgia and chuckled.

"So the disabled hospital patient talks and." He looked down at Chase's state. "Apparently walks too." He chuckled as Chase cracked a sarcastic smile before nodding her head as she head butted Dante.

He stumbled back yelping as Chase pushed him down to the ground. Dante clutching his nose in pain. He got up and grabbed Chase by the waist and slammed her against the wall as she groaned in pain. He tried to punch her but punched the wall.

Chase kneed Dante as he didn't budge before kneeing him harder in the chin making him stumble back, Georgia whacked him with her bag as he saw Georgia and almost grabbed her when Chase reeled him back by the shirt.

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