|44|: More Action Than Talk

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Chase looked down at Storm's and her hand, they fit perfectly, like a two hearts that were made into one.

"This place is where I found out that you and I could be the perfect match." Sam softly spoke as his minty breath fanned Chase's face.

A stray lock moved past her face, as Storm reached out to slowly push it back. Chase looked into those mesmerising eyes once again. Those eyes that made her fall in love. Those eyes that held pure love, joy, happiness and good. Something which she wasn't no more.

"Where's Jingle? She's usually about." Chase spoke with a monotonous voice as she removed her hand instantly.

Storm stared ahead again, shaking his head.

"I don't know. Probably with Goodie."

"Isn't she your girlfriend." Chase stated more than questioned.

"She never was my girlfriend." Storm turned to face Chase. "I only had feelings for one person." He seemed truthful about it as Chase felt something zap her directly to her arm.

She turned to her arm as she placed her hand over it, the slight trickle of blood delicately touching her fingers. Chase and Storm both turned to the source to see Goodie standing there.

"What the heck, Goodie?" Storm called as he stood up; Goodie took off his shades.

"What's the matter, Storm? Can't handle a little love?" Chase stared at Goodie as he looked back at her. She stood up.

The two stood in front of each other, both dangerously quiet and not saying a word.

"What is she doing here?" Goodie spat the word 'she' as if Chase had no meaning whatsoever.

"Don't talk?" Goodie arched a brow, as Chase just stared at him for a few seconds before swinging a blow at him, catching Goodie off guard.

"More action than talk." Chase lowly answered as she started walking away.

"Still the same, Chase. Yet you kept getting worse and worse by day." Chase tried to ignore Goodie's words as she continued to walk off.

"Like the day, you left the superheroes for those scumbag villains."

"I see that you're only a tailgate." Chase stopped in her tracks, she turned around to glare at Goodie.

"What'd you just say?"

"I said you're a tailgate." Chase was quick on her feet, as she threw a blow at Goodie, who was too slow, for once. He had some blood appear at his lips. He returned back to his normal state as Goodie threw a couple of hits, only to either be dodged or missed by Chase.

Goodie threw a hard blow at Chase as it brushed past her shoulder.

Before their fight could get anymore heated, the two both fell opposite each other on the ground. Chase got up slowly as she saw Goodie doing the same.

Turning to Sam he had used his powers to push the two and refrained them from fighting. Goodie spat to the side, blood only was seen.

"Stop fighting. Seriously, Goodie. What is wrong with you?"

"I had to get my revenge on her."

"Why, what exactly did she do to you?" Sam asked furrowing her brows as Chase started getting up.

"Are you kidding me, Sam?" He yelled. "You seriously have lost it, haven't you?" Goodie shook his head.

"She betrayed us for the villains!" Goodie gestured to Chase as she dusted the dirt off of her trousers. "She joined the enemies." He coldly answered as Chase looked up.

"To top it off, she probably had something to do with the few kidnappings that we've had for her past few days." Chase narrowed her brows.

"You haven't changed, have you." Goodie shook his head at Chase.

"Finished? Good, because whatever you just said is all lies." Chase retorted. "So, think twice, Goodie, before you place the blame on the villain, not everything should be stereotypical." Chase started walking towards Goodie.

"You make me sick." Goodie spat as Chase scoffed a laugh.

"Tell that to someone who actually cares." Chase answered lowly.

"Stay safe at the party, Goodward, you're gonna need it." Chase walked off as he furrowed his brows at her.

"Chase, hold on." Storm called.

"Storm, seriously?" Goodie looked at him with his arms out.

"Back off, why don't you." Storm shook his head at Goodie before going after Chase, who was going down the stairs in pitch black.

"Chase." Storm called as Chase continued walking.

"Go hang with your boy, Storm." Chase responded as she walked down the stairs.

"Chase, hold on." Storm managed to take hold of Chase's hand as she stopped walking.

"Let go, Storm." Chase warned slowly.

"Chase. Ignore Goodie, he's just still upset you left the superhero world for the villain ground." Storm let go of her hand.

"Haha. He's got a funny way of showing he's upset. But it's cool." Chase shrugged as Storm furrowed his brows, curious.

"Why's that?"

"Because Goodie and I are complete strangers to each other."

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