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*156 years ago*

"Hey Stefano. Hey Demon." Tiberius walked over to his brothers. "Have you finished drooling over it yet?"
"How can we, brother? Her beauty is simply exquisite." Stefan replied, smiling.
"Okay, brothers. Come on, stand up. I will not let you sit down while your life passes, drooling over a woman who clearly doesn't love. Now for the rest of the day and night you are Katherine-banned."
"Leave us be, Rio. Your jealousy is not needed." Stefan replied.
"Why should I be jealous? I would rather die a thousand deaths before I ever even thought of loving Katherine. Now come on. Let us go to the field and act as we used to."
"You mean like childish morons? Please brother, we are too mature for such wild behaviour." Damon rolled his eyes
"Was it not you, Damon who said the ladies love a wild man?"
"He has you there Damon." Stefan chuckled.
"I do not see what you are laughing about either Stefan. You are coming. Now stand up. Both of you." Reluctantly they did so and dusted their pants before following their dear brother to a section of the field the three of them stayed at together.

*a couple of months later*

"Tiberius, dear friend." Katherine said, knocking on his door.
"We are not, and never shall be friends. Now why don't you head back to toying with my brothers' feelings?" He snapped back.
"But it is so much more fun torturing you."
"You can not compel me. I drink vervain everyday" He said, a little smug.
"That's a shame. Or it would be if I planned on compelling you."
"Leave Katherine. Before I decide to stake you."
"Ooh, I'm scared." Katherine laughed at his face. "Please if you planned on killing me, you'd run to your father. You always rely on him to do everything."
"I do not plan on killing you Katherine. But I may lose my patience. Besides, there is someone else I would much rather let kill you. He would have more pleasure at your demise. I believe you know him? Mr Mikaelson."
"How did you hear of that name?"
"Katherine, it was not hard to figure out you would have enemies, and that you would only be staying with my family if you were on the run. That narrowed it down to a vampire older than you. And you are what? 350 years? That is a high age. Of course the obvious enemy would be the oldest vampires. I did more digging to find out Mr Mikaelson knew you."
"And what will you do with this information?"
"Depends. Leave my family alone and I'll leave it. Carry on and I would be delighted to show him the small quaint town of mystic falls." Katherine growled. She sped to him, bit her wrist and fed him her blood. Then she snapped his neck. He fell to the floor, in a heap. Her wound quickly closed up. She lay Rio on his bed and promptly left the room wiping any evidence of blood off her chin.
That night, when Rio woke up it was dark. Katherine sat in his room waiting for him. "You murdered me!" He accused. She tossed him a blood bag.
"You might want to leave this house. It will not take your father long to figure out what you are." Rio sucked the blood, disgusted at the pleasure he felt. As soon as he was done he sped out of his house, and left Mystic Falls behind. As much as he hated to admit it, Katherine was right. He didn't know how to be a vampire let alone conceal it. It would only be a matter of time until his father realised. So he left to go make good on his promise to Katherine. He'd find Klaus.

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now