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"Just to be clear, Elena's adopted and her biological father, who she grew up to believe was her uncle, told her aunt, who has legal guardianship over Elena, that he was Elena's biological father driving a rift between Elena and her aunt because it was a piece of information she didn't tell her aunt about?" Rio asked his brother. Charlie was sleeping upstairs while Damon told him about what happened recently, over the phone. Rio had spent more time out of the house than in it, since he came back to Mystic falls.
"Yes." Damon replied simply.
"Why didn't Elena tell her aunt in the first place?"
"Because John is involved with supernatural and Elena wants her aunt far away from supernatural."
"But the fact that he's her father isn't supernatural. It's personal."
"Whatever, that's not your problem."
"Very true."
"Well, either way, I'm going to the grill with Elena to meet John. Are you coming with?"
"Yeah, sure." Rio went to meet them at the grill. He was curious about this John guy. Elena hated him, so maybe he wasn't all bad.

Once he got there he saw his brother, Elena, and a guy that was probably John sitting. He headed over to hear Damon say, "So, John. Rumour has it that you know a lot, and won't say anything."
"How do I know you can be trusted, Damon? Originals can compel vampires. And, according to Stefan, that's why Katherine's still in the tomb, because an Original has compelled her to stay there." John sounded a little accusatory.
"Only because all of the vervain had left her system. Stefan and I, on the other hand, are chock full."
"Don't forget me, little brother. Hi, you must be John." Rio was very polite to the man. Why wouldn't he? According to Elena and Damon, he was the enemy, and any enemy of Elena's was likely to be a friend of Rio's.
"Who are you?" John asked confused.
"And I thought you did your homework, John." Damon settled for a condescending tone.
"I'm Rio, the eldest Salvatore brother."
"There's another of you?" John looked disgusted. Rio took back what he said about John not being so bad. "Let me guess. You want to protect Elena too?"
"No, actually. I have absolutely no interest in Elena. I have an interest in keeping my brother's alive."
"Elena's the one who's supposed to be murdered at a sacrifice."
"But I also know Klaus. My brothers will try to stop him, and end up dead. That's why I'm here. To stop Klaus from killing them, when the time comes."
"Are you willing to stand up and kill him for your brothers."
"It's cute that you think you can kill Klaus. I needed a laugh." Rio chuckled.
"So I don't have to worry about you guys being compelled, just your brother betraying you." John shook his head. "Speaking of, you guys are drinking vervain?"
"It's an acquired taste. I don't see that magic little ring on your stitched finger, so if you know something about Klaus, you better start talking, or I will kill you in your sleep." Damon threatened.
"Is that any way to convince me that you and I are on the same side? First, I need to know that I can trust you, Damon, that I can count on you. Then we'll talk. Or you can just ask your brother over there. What do you know about Klaus?"
"That he knows how to party?" He offered.
"Anything useful?" John asked, rolling his eyes.
"Charlotte says he's good looking?" Rio tried again, a smirk on his face.
"You said Charlotte. Who's Charlotte?"
"Charlotte is Charlotte."
"I mean who is she to you?"
"A person?"
"Is she human? A vampire?"
"Hmm, I never asked. Wait." Rio said, pulling out his phone. He dialled her number. When she answered he put the phone on loudspeaker, and asked "Lottie what are you."
"A person?"
"There's your answer John. Thanks Lottie. I think Sammy's visiting town. Keep her away." John realising he wasn't going to get any answers walked off.

A while later, Damon sat at the bar getting a drink. Elena and Rio sat where he left them, waiting for Damon to get back. Jenna joined him with a woman. "So, my friend wants to meet you. Damon Salvatore, this is..."
Meanwhile Elena asked Rio a question. "Do you hate me?"
"No, Elena. I don't hate you. Just your face."
"Excuse me."
"Katherine has the same face as you. Katherine strung both of my brothers along and now I get to watch history repeat itself because you have the same face as a bitch. And to be honest Elena, I'm not a fan of you as a person either. I don't hate you, but in some ways you're worse than Katherine. Katherine admitted to stringing my brothers along. You don't. You lead Damon on, scold him for being who he is, then run back to Stefan. And each time you do that the rift between them gets bigger. The only way you're better than Katherine is that you're faithful. You don't actually cheat." Damon walked back to them.
"Everything okay over here?" He asked. Elena stared at him for a moment.
"Yeah, yeah. It's all great. What happened over there? You totally blew her off." She told him.
"I'm steering clear of all women at the moment." 
"You didn't have to be rude." Rio gave her a meaningful look and rolled his eyes. 
"Trust me, it's in the best interest of women everywhere." Elena's phone rang. 
"Stefan? What is it?"
Rio stared at Elena, as if to say, 'you just proved my point' and walked off after saying, "I should be going."

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now