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Rio decided to go to the Mystic Grill. Everyone else seemed to be there. Rebekah was looking for something or another, his brother's weren't at the boarding house, so the likely place they'd be was, surprise surprise. The Mystic Grill.
"Town questioned every grown man in Mystic Falls. Probably never occurred to them that a woman could have done it." Stefan was saying. He, Damon and Rebekah sat together at the bar.
"Could've done what?"
"Rio?" Stefan sounded slightly bewildered.
"Stefan?" Rio mocked him.
"How was the Big Apple?" Damon asked.
"It was good. Are you three playing nice?"
"It'd be nicer if she weren't here." Damon pointed at Rebekah.
"Damon!" Rio admonished. "Besides, didn't you two. You know? Have sex?"
"Yep. If I'm being honest, wasn't that great."
"Feeling's mutual, barbie Klaus."
"Guys. And that's something I seriously don't need to hear about either of you." Rio grimaced. "So Stefan, how's it like. With your humanity on now?"
"He's jonesing for some blood."
"I'm not jonesing for some blood."
"You kinda are." Rebekah agreed.
"I'm not." Stefan sounded annoyed. "Rio, I need to talk to you."
"Do we have to?"
"Maybe Damon should come too, then. Bex, do you need anything?"
"No, I'm fine. Where's Charlotte?"
"I thought she was here. But she could be at home, too. Give her a call, why don't you?" Something clicked in Rio's head. "Wait, she took Anya with her and went to look for you. I forgot about that."
"See ya. You boys talk about your stuff, or whatever."
"Will do, Bex." Rebekah walked away. The boys walked out of the bar too, and piled into Damon's car, where he drove to the boarding house.

"So what exactly are you two so tense about? This brings me back to when we were kids and I'd have to play the middle brother."
"Rio's holding something back."
"He hangs out with the Originals. Why are you surprised?"
"It's not about their family. It's about ours."
"Well, I wouldn't say- I'm not- I can't" Rio couldn't settle on a way to explain. These were his little brothers, what could he say? How could he say anything that wouldn't end up with them hurt.
"What are you talking about?" Damon was confused.
"Rio has something against our mother." Damon was silent at this.
"Wait, you mean- that time you said your mother was a bitch you were actually talking about our mother not your mother-in-law?" 
"I was talking about mom, yeah."
"You only see what you want to see. She was never a good mother, but she cared about the two of you. But if it came down to you or her against our father, she'd choose herself. How many times, Damon, did father almost beat you because you told him it was you who did whatever it was you thought Stefan did? And half those times, it wasn't Stefan. It was mother."
"Yeah, but if father found out it was her he would've killed her. He never did anything to me other than give me a stern talking to."
"Because I stepped in. Mother never knew why he stopped just before he hit you. But she knew that there could've been a moment where father hurt you, no matter what I said. Heck, there were moments he did."
"You said it yourself. He would've killed her, he'd never kill his own children."
"Isn't that how you became vampires?"
"Dad wasn't perfect but he wouldn't have killed us as children. And he absolutely detested vampires. Anything less, he wouldn't have killed us for." Damon said. "So what else do you have against mom?"
"She was your mom, Damon. She stopped being mine when you and Stefan came into her lives. I'm bitter, about that."
"That's a lie." Stefan told his brother.
"Look okay. You guys have your perfect memories of our mother. Why should I break them?"
"Because our mother, was the best, Rio. And I don't know how you manage to see the worst in her. I want to know what you have against her."
"I'm sorry, but I won't. Just know her as the perfect mom you do." Rio left the room. The boys exchanged looks, before speeding and blocking his way.
"What are you talking about, Rio? How could you think Mother was horrible? Why do you think that. I remember her. I remember the way she'd bandage up our cuts, wipe away our tears. I remember everything she did for us."
"Us being you and Stefan. Listen, Damon. She was your mother. From the moment you were born, to the moment she died, it was all about you and Stefan. You think she wiped away my tears? I was sent to father who taught me crying was a weakness. That men don't cry. You think she helped me when I needed her? She sent me to father who taught me a real man figures out his own problems. Whenever I fell over, she'd just tell me to stop being so clumsy, she had a baby to take care of. She didn't care when the Lockwood twins started bullying me. Nor did she care when I first started courting Amelia Forbes."
"I forgot about her."
"Who's Amelia Forbes?" Stefan asked, confused.
"I was like, 13 when Rio started to date her. 15 when he proposed. You should remember her. Tall, red-head."
"Strawberry blonde, actually."
"Damn Daniel, you have a wife." Damon whistled.
"I know. I love Charlotte, she's my past, present, and future. But Amelia was my pre-past."
"That's not a thing."
"Shut up, I did once love Amelia. I was going to marry her. She was the love of my human life."
"That makes my heart go tingly." Damon replied in a flat tone, dripping with sarcasm.
"You used to call her Lia, Stefan."
"I did?"
"Well, she was a family friend since you were born, you must remember her."
"Sorry not a clue."
"Either way, I'm sure she's achieved peace now."
"What makes you so sure?"
"Because, she's not supernatural, and she's not evil. I'm sure I would've known.
"What if she's a witch?" Damon questioned.
"She's a Forbes not a Bennett."
"Again, Forbes not a Lockwood."
"They're basically wronged witches who spent time in hell. That's not her."
"Unknown supernatural?"
"She was definitely human. Unless she was turned into a vampire and her funeral and death were faked. But that was after me, so yeah."
"Ding ding ding we have a winner!" A voice sounded out to the side of them. A female sat on the armchair in the library. Rio was the most affected.


A/N- Amelia is pronounced Am-Elle-Lia

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