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"So let me get this straight. You had an older brother, who for some reason you've never mentioned and he isn't dead but is actually a vampire, which you never knew, and he's also married, to her." Caroline said.
"Basically. Hey Caroline, why are you here? Don't get me wrong, I want you here, but why aren't you at school with Elena?"
"Some kid cut his finger and the blood was getting to me so I left before I could hurt him, and Elena's with Bonnie." She sounded a little unsure of herself. "So, you're married to a Salvatore. Tell me, what's that like? Is he more Stefan or Damon?"
"More Stefan or Damon?" Charlotte was a little confused. "I guess he's like them both and not at all like either."
"That makes sense." Caroline replied sarcastically.
"What I mean is, Ty is sarcastic a lot like Damon, and he wears his heart on his sleeve like Stefan but at the same time, unlike either he's just different. He has his own qualities."
"Why don't you two get to know each other? I'll go to school to check on Elena."
"She'll be fine. She has Bonnie. Besides it'll be like super strange if you show up after ditching school so many times."
"I'll compel all of the teachers."
"But you can't compel all of the students."
"Caroline what's this about?"
"What would it be about?
"Caroline." Stefan's voice took a stern tone of reason.

"She went to the tomb to see Katherine." She immediately put her hands to her mouth.
"Katherine? Why is Katherine in a tomb? Why is she alive? What happened? Ty will be super pissed."
"Rio can't know."
"I don't hide things from my husband."
"Just until we figure out a way to tell him?" Stefan pleaded.
"I'm giving you until tonight. If you haven't told him, I will." Charlotte stalked out of the room
She ran outside and kept running until her phone rang. "Hello Eli." She answered.
"Charlie. How do things go over there?"
"Well I'm currently running so I'm a little pissed off right now. I wish I could tell the younger Salvatores about me so that I could give them multiple aneurysms."
"Sometimes I wonder how you and Rio suit. You're so violent and he's everything but."
"What can I say? Opposites attract. So? Have you thought about my offer?"
"Your offer to play Cupid? I'm good, thanks."
"Come on, I have the perfect somebody for you."
"I'm sure you do, but I want to fall in love on my own terms, Charlie."
"Whatever you say, Eli. Whatever you say. So how did it feel to be staked? I hope it hurt."
"Don't take your anger out on me, tell baby Salvatores about yourself then use them for witch practice."
"I can't. They don't need to know yet. It comes with a lot of baggage. Things I'm not ready to share."
"They have a witch on their side. You could help her out, and stuff."
"Basically you want me to teach her so that she'll be ready to kill Klaus."
"You know?"
"Ty told me." Charlotte let out. "Last night."
"Are you out of it too?"
"Mainly, but I'll help the witch learn more about her magic."
"That's very much appreciated Charlotte."
"Stop with the stupid formalities, Elijah. You sound out of place."
"Considering I was born a thousand years ago, that doesn't surprise me."

"Shut it, Eli. I'll see you soon. Don't be too mean." Charlotte hung up, before running to the Grill. All she wanted to do was have some space alone.Once she reached the Grill, she sat alone at the bar. A blue-eyed boy, with blonde hair served her. "I'll have something strong. I don't care what it is." She ordered. The boy soon cane back with a drink in hand.

"Rough day?" He asked. She smelt the vervain in her drink. Over the centuries, she had digested enough to no longer be affected as much by it. She smiled at the boy before taking a gulp.
"You have no idea." She replied. "I'm Charlie."
"Matt." He replied. "So what brings you to Mystic Falls?"
"Oh you know, vampires" she smiled. "Along with werewolves, witches, mermaids."
"Mermaids?" The boy said, surprised.
"It's a joke. I'm actually here with my husband. This place was his hometown."
"Married young?"
"I guess so. Feels like I've known him for eternity." The thought of Tiberius brought a huge smile to her face. As if on cue, Rio came and sat next to her.

"I hear your day didn't go so well." He said, smirking. "Want me to make it better?"
"I don't see how you could."
"Well, I could show you and we can find out."
"Is that the best you have?" Charlotte grimaced and turned to Matt. "Can I get another drink?"
"Come on, love. I'm not that bad."
"Don't lie."

"Hey, do you want to know what's on this Menu?" Rio asked holding up the Grill menu. There was a pause before he answered. "Me'n'U"
"You really are that bad. Your lines are even worse."
"Okay, so my cheesy pick-up lines aren't why you fell for me, but you can't deny I make up for it with my witty sense of humour." Matt set down a drink for Charlotte.
"Is this your husband?"
"Yes." Charlotte replied. "Ty, meet Matt. Matt meet Tiberius."
"Hi, Matt."
"Hello Tiberius."
"Call me Rio." He told Matt, before turning to his wife. "So what have my brothers done now, Lottie?"
"Let's not talk about it."
"Okay. Have you heard from Eli yet?" Rio asked. "He wanted to talk to you."
"Yeah, he called on my run. He said no."
"Did you expect him to let you send him on a blind date?" Rio said, rolling his eyes.
"Yes." Charlotte said, her happiness obviously deflated.
"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll give in one day. No man wants to spend the rest of his life alone."
"Can I get you anything?" Matt asked Rio.
"No thanks, I'm good." He replied. Matt walked away to serve another customer. "Ready to go back?"
"You should, I think I'll stay here and drink some more."
"Now what kind of man would leave his wife to drink alone in a bar? I thought you knew me better than that." Charlotte smiled before dragging Rio over to the pool table.

Two hours later Rio and Charlotte made way to the Boarding house. As they walked in, Charlotte saw Damon and Stefan sitting.
"I'll wait for you upstairs" She said, kissing him on the cheek.
Once Charlotte was out of sight, Stefan started "There's something you should know."
"Don't be mad, but Katherine is alive and we're basically keeping her hostage and letting her slowly desiccate." Damon said, metaphorically ripping off the band-aid.
"I know Katherine is alive but why aren't you killing her or trying to if you know where she is."
"Because we might need her for future use." Stefan replied.
"You might need her?" Rio blew. "For what?"
"Information. In case the originals actually come knocking, you've made it clear you won't help us against."
"I will step in if my brothers are in danger but I won't step in if Elena is."
"Well, since we'll be in danger helping Elena, I assume you'll be stepping in."
"I can't believe you right now. You are sparing the life of my enemy so she can help you kill my friends. You're lucky I don't kill, otherwise Elena would have been long gone. And Katherine is the only one I am willing to make an exception for."
"Calm down, Tibby brother."
"Damon. How can I calm down? That is the woman that has not only ruined our lives but killed you. She is the one bitch who deserves to die." Rio was furious. "Where is she?"
"In this state, I'm not telling you." Stefan told him. "You don't want to kill the originals? Great. But don't ask us to not do what we can to save Elena."

Rio glared at his brothers. "I can't wait until you guys outgrow her and she dies." He walked upstairs to Charlotte. She hugged him, knowing right now silence was what he needed. "Did you know?"
"I found out this morning. I wanted them to tell you"
"Let's go. We'll go to Greece."
"Or Rome, I know you love to visit the Colosseum."
"I'm sure Gustav and Gabriela wouldn't mind having us over."
"Tiberius stop"
"You never call me Tiberius."
"It was the only way to get your attention. Anyways, you'd never leave your brothers. Not intentionally."
"Just for a month or so. I can't do this right now. I need to compose myself. When I said, let's go to Mystic falls, I meant to visit town, the place where my house used to stand, see if any other founding council members were still around. Check the graves, see if my empty coffin was still around. I love my brothers but I wasn't ready for this. I can't just watch this happen all over again, or else I might kill Elena this time."
"For a month" Charlotte compromised. "And you have to say goodbye to your brothers this time."
"Ma'am yes Ma'am."

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now