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Elijah came not long after and started with a warning to Damon. They had their little talk at the doorway before Elijah walked in.
"Jenna. Wonderful to see you again. How are you?" He said, ever so formal and polite.
"Nice to see you." She replied.
"You look incredible." He praised.
"Thank you." 
"Charlie, Rio?"
"Of course you're wearing a suit again, Eli." Charlie said, smiling. "Hi."
"You know each other?" Jenna asked, slightly surprised. The couple hadn't met Elijah, as far as she knew.
"We've been friends for a long time. He gave me away at my wedding, actually."
"We stayed with he and his brother too for a while. Speaking of which, is he headed here any time soon?"
"Not as far as I know."
"Well, I'm sure it's only a matter of time."

Later, at the table, everyone sat whilst taking small sips of wine. "I hate to break it to you, Damon, Rio, but according to Elijah, your family is so not a founder of this town."
"Well, as I mentioned to Jenna earlier, a faction of settlers migrated from Salem after the witch trials in the 1690s. Over the next hundred years they developed this community where they could feel safe from persecution."
"Hmm. Because they were witches."
"Yeah, but there's no tangible proof there were witches in Salem."
"Andie's a journalist. Big on facts."
"Well, the lore says that there was this wave of anti-witch hysteria. It broke out in the neighbouring settlement, so these witches were rounded up. They were tied to stakes in a field together and, uh, burned. Some say you could hear the screams from miles around us. They were consumed by the fire. Could you pass the..."
"I wouldn't repeat this to the Historical Society."
"It's starting to sound a little like a ghost story to me." John said, sceptical.
"You face is a ghost story." Rio muttered angrily under his breath causing the vampires in the room to laugh. John looked a little confused.
"So, why do you want to know the location of these alleged massacres?" Damon asked.
"You know...a healthy historian's curiosity, of course."
"Of course."

"The gentlemen should take their drinks in the study." Andie said, after the plates of food had been polished.
"I guess that excludes you John." Rio said, innocently. He couldn't help but make snide comments. John was a prick.
"I have to say the food was almost as wonderful as the company." Elijah said.
"I like you." Andie told Elijah.
"Here you are, gentleman, make yourself useful. Hmm?" Jenna said, pushing some plates at John.
Damon and Elijah were in the library, as Rio and Charlie helped put things away. Ric's phone rang, around the same time Charlie's did. She walked away for a second, leaving the house so she could be away from the vampires. Rio was a little concerned, but he didn't follow and instead started tidying away. After a couple of  minutes, he went after his wife. 
"Lottie?" He asked, cautiously. Her call had ended but she stood, shocked. "Lottie."
"I'm- I'm fine, I've got to go."
"What is it?"
"Oh Ty." She sighed. "You've been so patient with me, even when you know I have this huge secret. There's still a part of my history I've never told you. We'll talk about it on the way."
"Of course, I'll just say something came up. Here," Rio tossed his car keys. "You start the car."

Rio walked in to the house. He said a quick goodbye to Jenna, before walking into the library. He got there just in time to see Alaric stab Elijah with a dagger. Just as quickly Alaric took the dagger out. Rio calmed considerably after that, but acted out anyways. "Seriously? That guy is my friend. You can't just go round trying to kill my friends. Honestly, Damon. Imagine I killed Alaric. You know what? I really don't have time for this, Lottie's waiting."
"Sorry brother."
"Just know that he's saved your life 3 times by now. I wish you good luck when Elijah's not able to save your life the next time you're in a tangle."
"Well, we have you."
"Depends, are you going to try to kill the rest of my friends?" Rio retorted before speeding out. Everyone in the room knew about the whole vampire thing anyways. "Ready?"
"Not really." She replied as she got out of the car and moved to the passenger seat. "Head to the airport. We're going to London."

"I've told you a little about my human life, but not all. Wallace did more than stop me from siphoning. I told you he broke me, because even back then siphoners weren't known of. My family were witches, so when I could only do magic by stealing their power, they called in a 'specialist'. Wallace. He beat me every day, starved me, did everything he could think of, and when I refused to break, he raped me. Almost every day was solid torture, until I was scared to use my siphoning abilities. Reprogrammed my brain basically, until siphoning was pushed to the darkest corners of my life. One of those days, I became pregnant. He didn't find out until a month later. He let me keep her at first, but when I gave birth to a most beautiful girl he took her out and killed her."
"You had a daughter?"
"Yes, in the years that followed, I dreamed about her. I dreamed about how her days would be, how she'd grow up. I named her Anya." Charlie had a faraway look in her mind.
"But Warty is gone now. We made sure of that half a century ago."
"That may be so, but recently I found out he didn't murder her. My daughter had grown into a beautiful woman, but cursed. When she turned 10, he had a witch seal her into some sort of sleep. It's a common curse, but he put far too many protections around her. I had a friend looking for her, and it turns out she's buried in my supposed-to-be empty grave. I need to get her back, and I hope you know I will do anything."
"You're not the only one willing to do this. I will be there every step of the way. I am so pissed off at Weenie right now, but this is your daughter we're talking about. I know you couldn't tell me before because you had your reasons, but I hope you weren't scared of me."
"Never, Ty. You're the one person who's taught me not to be afraid." She said gently.
"Good." And in that instance Tiberius was determined. Determined to save what would be his step-daughter. Determined to help his Lottie. Determined to make sure nothing happened to his Lottie and her daughter.

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now