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Rio didn't get to the bonfire in time and everyone had mostly cleared out so he headed back home. He checked his phone to see a message from his wife.
Got there too late, but they didn't get Stefan. He's safe, xxx

He smiled and texted back a reply before walking into the boarding house and bumped into Stefan.
"Well I didn't see you there tonight. I thought you'd at least try to stop everyone from kidnapping your little brother." Stefan smirked.
"I did try, but then I had to go help out a hybrid with a little problem. Are you okay?"
"I'm not sure who's more pathetic. You or Elena?"
"What makes me pathetic?"
"The fact that you actually care about us after all these decades. I mean, you can see it in your face. I need to go help my little brothers or they'll end up dead, it's like you don't have a life."
"Says the guy who has now dedicated his life to be someone's bitch. I mean, yeah I care, but you can't even think for yourself. Tell me, who's the pathetic one?" Stefan scowled.
"How's your wife and stepdaughter?"
"Why, jealous you cant get your own?"
"It's just sometimes you guys are so together it's weird other times it's like you're total strangers."
"Actually my wife spends time with her daughter lately. I think some mother daughter bonding is good." Rio paused. "You wouldn't remember but for your 3rd birthday, mother took you out. Damon and I were so jealous because she never did the same for us. We were stuck behind with father."
"I'm going to stop you right there. I know you're trying to get me to turn on my humanity thing but I don't want to."
"Life isn't that fair. We don't always get what we went. I witnessed a lot of your firsts. First steps, first words, first friendship, first fight, first skill, first class, first love, first heartbreak- the point is I don't want them to be all I remember of my little brother. I want more time with my brother not a jerk."
"What was my first word?"
"Papa." Stefan smiled but then wiped his face clear of emotion.
"Whatever. Just stop. I can't deal with those pesky emotions. Being in love with Elena Gilbert and watch as she falls in love with my brother and have to stand there and continue watching it. Just until it's over let me be this way." He begged.
"Too late. It's on isn't it?" Rio asked. Stefan shook his head, closed his eyes and turned it off again.
"Well either way- it's off now." Stefan scowled at Rio. "Don't try to make me turn it on again."
"I wasn't trying- I was just reminiscing. Do you remember Elisa?"
"Stop reminiscing or you will regret it."
"You're my little brother. I won't stop trying to help you. I just want to talk to humanity Stefan."
"Sorry, you're out of luck." Stefan perked up as Anya and Charlie walked in. He zoomed up to Charlie and thrust his hand in her chest. "How about this, brother." He sounded mocking. "And don't try to witch me out of this kid, I have a firm grip on her heart."
"Stefan stop it. Let go of her heart."
"Turn it off and I will."
"Turn what off?"
"Don't play dumb, big brother. Turn off your humanity."
"No, Ty don't. Stefan stop this insanity. This is your older brother. Don't do this to him."
"Why what's wrong? Scared he might snap and kill?"
"No, I know he wouldn't, but please don't do this to him."
"He's the only one who can turn my humanity back on." Stefan scowled. "Which would be okay but I need it off until the whole Klaus thing is over."
"That seems fair. He won't try to make you turn it back on." Charlie pleaded.
"I can't take the risk. 10 seconds Rio or her heart's coming out."
"Alright fine." Rio closed his eyes. He looked up. "A deal's a deal, little brother."
"You're right," Stefan smirked. "But I thought you didn't care."
"Oh- believe me. I don't, but it is an inconvenience. Killing my wife means consequences. Boring little things, and I don't believe in making my life harder."
"Alright. I can accept that." Stefan took his hand away from her chest. "How about we go make Damon's life harder."
"Alright. I can accept that." Rio repeated his brother's words. Stefan fell to the ground as Anya literally controlled his blood.
"That's for my mother. Feel your blood boiling- it's only going to get hotter." She concentrated. "Is that relief? Your blood is cooling. Maybe a little too much."
"Stop." Stefan managed to get out, shivering. When Anya finally stopped, Charlie whisked her away. "Why didn't you stop her? Or do you care too much."
"Oh I don't care. Not about her, not about you. So why would I?" Stefan just rolled his eyes. "Come on- let's ruin Damon's life."

"Rio?" Damon sounded surprised. "Stefan? Did you get him to you know? Turn it on?"
"For a bit, yeah. But then he chickened out and turned it back off. Then threatened me to turn it off."
"He turned it on then off? That makes no sense."
"Well you know there's you, Elena, Klaus, he couldn't work it all out. Looks like someone's got some bottled feelings. Guess those diaries don't work."
"True. All those words. It's so pathetically disturbing."
"I could have told you that a long time ago, Stef." Damon replied. "So what's up? What do you guys want?"
"Well, we're a little bored. No more of those pesky emotions means no more pining after my wife and her kid."
"Wait- you turned it off? Rio, the point was to make him turn it on. Not you to turn it off."
"Well little brother plays dirty. He makes me proud sometimes."
"Well yeah, if I cared. But I don't." Rio rolled his eyes. "Hey, Damon. A vampire and a human walk into a bar-"
"Shut up Rio. You're not funny either."
"I'm hilarious."

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