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"I admit, I was surprised to find out all three Salvatore brothers were alive. I didn't expect any of you to be alive." Amelia drawled.
"How are you alive?"
"I don't know. I don't remember. I remember being human but i don't remember anything for the next week and the first thing I remember is that I was a vampire who'd completed the transition."
"Stay here, the three of you. There's someone I need to talk to." Rio stormed out. The boys waited until they heard his car drive off.
"Not a chance in hell." Damon smirked.
"Why not?" Amelia asked.
"I'm not missing a chance to see Rio get pissed off at his best friend."
"His best friend? Why would he get pissed off at his-"
"Well it could've been Elijah."
"The Original Elijah? Who exactly is Tiberius's best friend?"
"How much did he change?" She asked, concerned.
"Not much. He's still the same goodie goodie."
"Tiberius? Good? Are you drunk?" Amelia seemed to be absolutely confused.
"No, I'm not drunk. Rio has always been the nerd in the family. Your memories must be a little frayed."
"No. The old Tiberius was like that, but as he grew older he changed. That's kind of when I realised that he was different, then I started thinking of him differently, not just as my best friend. He was kind of damaged back then."
"He was what now? Rio has always been the prodigal obedient son."
"That's not the Tiberius I knew." She was shocked.
"Well, either way he's not that different, except he's married and has bad taste in friends."
"How long were you here?" Stefan asked.
"Not that long. You guys came out into the hall as soon as I sat down. It was my like you guys stopped him in full view of me."
"I think we're going to have to run, if we don't want to miss Klaus getting told off. You coming?" Stefan asked before he ran off. Damon followed, and Amelia chuckled before running out after them.

"You turned my ex-fiancée?!" Rio asked his best friend. The Salvatores and Amelia stood in the doorway. They'd arrived just after Rio.
"Technically she's not your ex, but just your fiancée, since you never actually broke it off."
"Klaus! Stop with the technicalities! Why would you?"
"Well, there was this whole long delusional reasoning behind it, and then I realised it was stupid and then compelled her to forget me and everything that had happened."
"I want the real reason. Now."
"When I first met you, I knew Charlie was following us. I realised she was looking out for you but I didn't call her out on it, but when I went to Mystic falls, and introduced herself as your fiancée, I thought I'd turn her and then you'd be busy with her and I'd have a shot with Charlie again. But then, I realised she would kill me in about 5 million different ways, 10 million different times. I also knew that I couldn't screw with you, because you're a good guy, so I stopped myself."
"The truth, Klaus. I'm not an idiot. You turned my ex-fiancée and then compelled her to forget the week she knew you! Klaus, that's not okay. And the fact that you lied about it isn't either. And neither is the fact that you're still lying about it to me."
"I didn't lie. I just omitted truth."
"Which is just as bad. You're supposed to be my friend, doofus. Besides, you just lied to me. Your explanation why is a lie."
"Fine. Don't tease me, and you're never allowed to bring this up." Immediately, Damon got his phone out and started recording. This would definitely be great blackmail material. "Charlie called and told me you were having a rotten time. That you missed your human life. I liked you, from the beginning, so I thought I'd bring your human life to you. Thought I'd get on your good side from the get go. Plus, you were like a little kid, I couldn't leave you to be miserable! So I went back to Mystic Falls, to bring you back your fiancée, but she'd been turned well, almost. I took her in, gave her some human blood so she could finish the transition, and then taught her about vampires. She didn't know who attacked her but I can guess now. I started training her- thought I'd help her not kill, taught her some control. Then I realised if I'd have told you, you would've been pissed that your human life wasn't human."
"So you went back to bring me some part of my human life, but then saw she'd become a vampire and taught her killing was wrong but then compelled her to forget you, and then left her in Mystic Falls because you thought that I'd be pissed instead of happy?" Rio summarised.
"Sorry." Rio shook his head at his friend and gave him a side hug.
"Well isn't that adorable?" Damon's voice sounded from the doorway.
"You believe that?" Stefan asked, a disbelieving look on his face.
"Yeah. I know when Klaus is lying, he has a tell."
"I do not!"
"Trust me Klaus. You do." Rio smirked.
"Any chance you'll spill?"
"Come on, Stefan. You know me better than that."
"I don't have a tell."
"Then how comes I always catch you out on a lie."
"I've kept secrets from you before."
"Yeah, I know. I don't know everything about your life, Klaus. I'm your friend, not your wife. I know you have your secrets and stuff, but you can't lie to me outright."
"Yes I can."
"Name one time you've lied to me and gotten away with it."
"Then I wouldn't be getting away with it."
"Admit it. You can't think of one."
"Alright, fine. 1909, Eliza Ruth."
"I already knew about that one, I just didn't want to out Elijah."
"Harold Mage. 1886?"
"Yeah, I know. You were going through one of you really destructive periods. I knew."
"Damn you, I do not have a tell."
"It's okay, Klaus. Admit to yourself that you can't lie to me."
"You really have changed, Tiberius." Amelia looked at him in a new light.
"I'm back to my old self, Amelia. The same guy you grew up with."
"But not the one I fell in love with."
"Oh, it's okay. It's been 148 years. I moved on a long time ago." She smiled. "And now I hear so have you."
"Yeah, I got married."
"With a daughter." Klaus added.
"Actually step-daughter." Stefan corrected.
"My daughter all the same."

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now