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"Okay, Demon, talk." Rio said. Samantha had arrived the day after Rio and Charlotte came to Mystic Falls, and was now spending time with Charlotte.
"What do you mean?"
"Something's got you all twisted up. Confused."
"Alright, when I was on my deathbed and we all thought I was going to die, Elena kissed me."
"Isn't she dating Stefan?"
"Well, they're probably on a break right now, but at the time they were together, yes."
"Little bitch." Rio swore.
"In her defence, she thought I was going to die."
"Unbelievable! And you're still defending her?"
"She's not a bad person. You need to get to know her."
"I'd rather get to know Katherine."
"You can't hate someone based on how they look."
"That's not why I hate her. Sure, her face did influence my feelings towards her, but if she really was this good, sweet angel that you describe then she wouldn't be playing with your feelings. I don't trust her, and I most certainly don't like her. She doesn't even have an excuse. She's had good parents, great friends. An aunt who took her in, and a brother with whom she gets along. Yeah, sure she's gone through loss but how does that give her a free pass with toying with your feelings."
"She doesn't toy with my feelings."
"Of course not." Rio replied, rolling his eyes. "Wanna go to the Grill?"

"You are the worst teacher!" Caroline accused when she saw Rio enter the grill. Rio raised his eyebrows. "You were barely a teacher for 3 days before you bailed on us."
"Sorry, Caroline." Rio had a sort of soft spot for the perky blond. She proved to be a loyal friend, and a caring person.
"I compelled the head to believe you were only a sub, and that a new teacher needed to be hired." She told him. "Are you coming back?"
"No, actually. Life got much more complicated when I was away." He explained. "I'm going to go get a drink. Want anything?"
"Scandalous!" She teased. "What would your wife think, buying drinks for another girl."
"It'll be our little secret." He winked, playing along. She laughed.
"Charlie was right. You're like both Stefan and Damon, but at the same time like neither."
"In what way?"
"Well, just now. Stefan would've gotten really awkward if I said that and Damon would've made a crude and sarcastic comment. You- you just play right back, and laugh along."
"What can I say. As the eldest, I got the best qualities." He joked, and walked away. Caroline walked back to her friends who stared at her.
"What was that?" Elena asked.
"What was what?" Caroline remained ignorant to her friend's accusatory glare as she sat down. She looked up and saw Elena's frown. "What?"
"He's like, almost 10 years older than you Caroline. Besides, you just got out of a relationship."
"Ew, Elena. Gross." Caroline looked disgusted. "He's like 30. Besides, he's married anyways, and just ew. He's more of a friend, like Alaric."
"I'm just making sure. I don't want you to get hurt." Bonnie scoffed at Elena.
"She does have a point Elena. He's Damon and Stefan's older brother. Emphasis on old."
"Exactly. I mean he's hot, like super duper crazy hot, but still, he's a bit older. What's with you, anyways?"
"Nothing!" She said a bit too quickly.
"Elena?" Caroline asked, slowly. "What do you have against him?"
"You guys don't see it? He's rude, judgemental, not to mention the amount of times he seems to leave his brothers behind."
"As you know, I hate to play devil's advocate, but you have the exact same face as the woman who ruined his and his brothers' lives. And Stefan and Damon have endangered their lives a lot for you. And as for his spontaneous holidays- seriously? You can't fault a guy for not staying in one place for long. It's not like he's leaving them forever. Give him a chance, Elena. He's actually a really nice guy." Caroline defended.
"Maybe if he'd give me one."
"Then prove to him your more than a Katherine look-a-like. I mean, has he ever seen the caring, fun Elena we all know and love?"
"No." Elena mumbled.
"Exactly. Maybe he just needs to see that side."
"Just nod and say yes, Elena. We all know when Caroline gets this passionate, there's absolutely no arguing with her."

The month passed quickly and the time had come when Charlie and Rio had to go to Klaus and Stefan.
"Keep out of trouble, Demon." Rio said. "Try not to live up to your nickname for once."
"No promises, brother. Tell Stefan I said Hi."
"Will do, little brother." Rio smiled, bringing his brother into a tight hug. Though they hid their emotions with sarcastic goodbyes, anyone could see the tight bond between the recently reunited brothers.
"Keep him safe, will you Charlotte?" Damon said. He had grown close to his sister-in-law, and there were times were she felt like an older sister too.
"Of course, Damon, and like Rio said, please keep out of trouble."
"I'll try." Damon sighed, hugging Charlotte. Rio watched, glad they were getting along. He didn't feel jealous- he knew Damon would never be anything more with Charlotte. Besides, he may have been married to Charlotte, but he couldn't expect her to stay faithful to a guy she couldn't remember. That being said, the thought of Charlotte with another guy was enough to churn his insides.
"You ready?" Charlotte asked, looking at him.
"Of course I am, Charlotte."
"Why'd you stop calling me Lottie?"
"I thought you'd prefer it, for now."
"I've grown into it." She smiled, and they got in Charlotte's car. Anya, still shadowing them got in the back seat. Charlotte kept quiet- Rio told her it was complicated. Besides not that she remembered it, but the car she was in was the one Rio had recently bought for their anniversary. "When did I get this car?"
"A few weeks ago." Rio replied. "Anniversary gift."
"From who?" She asked. He stayed silent and her eyes widened. "You?"
"Yeah, amongst other things." He told her. She got a flash of getting in the car and seeing a note on driver's seat. Immediately she put her hands to her head. In a flash, Rio was at her side. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. I don't know what, but I just saw like a note on the driver's seat. Like some weird vision."
"A memory." Rio said.
"Are they going to come back?"
"It could have been a one-off. Or maybe some will, and some won't. Or maybe they all will. I don't know. I've never heard of a vampire losing her memory before."
"We could wait it out. We don't have to see Klaus."
"No, it's okay. I want to." Charlotte said firmly.
"Want me to drive?" Rio asked.
"Yes please. Just don't hurt it. It's a beautiful car." She said, and they switched seats. Damon stood back, confused. He watched as they drove off, before muttering to himself.
"What just happened?"

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now