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Rio tried to calm Charlotte down, but his calling her Lottie didn't help. "I have proof we know each other." He finally said.
"How?" She asked.
"Well, in 1876, some devices called phones were invented. As time progressed, so did the technology used to make the phones. You can take pictures on your phone, of anything around." He said, getting his mobile out. He went to his gallery and Charlotte seemed scared though awed.
"Advanced technology. You have one too." He told her and reached for her bag. He got out her iPhone. "It can only be opened by your touch."
"Because your phone was something I did not want to go on, and my phone was something you didn't ever want to go on. We had a whole system." He explained. He lifted her thumb to use her fingerprint and unlocked her phone. He showed her to her gallery before moving back to his phone to get out some photos. "Here are some pictures of you and me."
"How is that possible?"
"Just wait until you see the plane."
"The what?"
"It's a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces."
"It flies?"
"Yes, Lottie."
"Stop calling me that."
"I will probably keep forgetting. After all, it is what I have called you for the last century and a half."

For the next month or so, Rio tried to explain the world to Charlotte. She was still scared of most things and barely trusted him. Siphoning was still murky territory for her, though she knew what she could do. The thought of Wallace still plagued her thoughts. Rio's promise that he was dead didn't assure her, so he took her all the way to France to find the shallow grave they'd buried him. When she finally realised he was gone, and actually gone for good, Charlie had enveloped Rio in a tight hug. She had finally warmed up to him in the days that followed after being sure that Rio wasn't some guy who was part of some elaborate scheme to capture her for Wallace. Those few days were pretty peaceful. They worked on her siphoning and magic. Rio took her to places that were significant to them to see if it would jolt her memory. They visited several witches but the answer was always the same. Charlotte would have gotten her memory back but there was one thing blocking it. Charlotte herself. She'd gone through too much as both, a vampire and a human and it was as though she didn't want to remember. She probably remembered the early 1800s because that was the worst thing she'd gone through in her vampire life. So she blocked out memories starting from that point in her life. Anya had stayed with them, feeling guilty and responsible. They hadn't told Charlotte about her relationship to Anya because they couldn't overwhelm her. If her memory didn't come back within the next month or so, Rio knew he would have to tell her. It didn't matter yet. Anya and Charlotte hardly interacted and Anya mainly watched from a distance. She refused to go near Charlotte afraid she'd hurt her once again.
"Hello?" Rio answered his phone. It had been ringing non-stop for the past 10 or so minutes.
"Rio!" Stefan sighed with relief. "Why weren't you picking up?"
"Well I kind of have a lot on my plate. I don't really have time for Mystic falls drama, I kind of have my own right now. So, if you'll excuse me..." He trailed off.
"Wait!" He said. There was a desperation in his voice that stopped Rio.
"What is it Stefan? As I said, I don't have time for your girlfriend's drama."
"It's Damon." He said. Rio halted, and Charlotte stopped next to him.
"He doesn't want you to know right now and would kill me if I told you but he needs his big brother."
"What is going on with Damon, Stefan?" He said slowly. "Tell me now."
"He's suffering from a werewolf bite." Stefan told him. "He doesn't have long. You need to talk to him."
"I won't be able to make it back in time, Stefan. Put him on the phone."
"Well I can't right now, exactly. I hoped you would be close enough to come here and say your goodbye in time, and I thought you deserved to know."
"As soon as you can get him on the phone, you better call me." Rio said firmly. He turned to Charlotte. "Looks like we're going back to Mystic Falls."

At the airport they weren't so lucky this time. The next plane leaving for Virginia wouldn't be until the next day at the earliest. Rio booked two tickets from them and sat. He had no clue what to do. Charlotte put her arms around him. "Hey." She said to him. "He'll be fine."
"No he won't, Lottie. There's no cure for a werewolf bite. My brother's going to die and I'm not even in the same continent. I don't know what to do. I already lost him, once before. I don't think I can again. For over a century I believed my brother was dead, and now I haven't even spent half a year with him before he actually does die? How is that fair? I shouldn't have left him alone. I knew Mystic falls would be bad for him. I told him to leave. I told him not to stay. I knew he'd die doing something for Elena." He said, crying. An odd expression formed on his face. "We are leaving right now."
"How?" Charlotte asked.
"I'm going to compel a pilot to fly us or I'll fly us there myself. Screw the flight plans." He replied determined. He stood and walked over to one of the planes outside. He ran to the closest one and saw a man leaving. "Are you a pilot?"

By the time he got to Virginia, his phone rang. Immediately he picked up. "Hello?"
"Hey there, big brother." Damon's familiar voice filtered through the phone.
"Damon. Oh you stupid, stupid boy. I hate you, how could you let yourself be bitten by a werewolf."
"Calm down Tibby." Damon smirked, not that Rio could feel it. "Wasn't like I had much of a choice. Besides, I'm still alive."
"For how long? I swear to God I will kill you if you don't hang on. You will stay alive and you will not die because someone bit you, understand?" Rio said firmly.
"I'll do my best."
"Not good enough. You went through war. You were killed by our father. You became a vampire. You have dodged death so many times, you will not die pathetically. I refuse to let you. I won't be home for another few hours or so at the most, so when I come back you will be alive."
"Of course." Damon replied. Both brothers knew Damon wouldn't last that long, but refused to admit it. Damon hung up and Rio and Charlotte prepared to run to Mystic falls.

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now