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"2 first class tickets to London." Rio compelled. "Free of charge, and as soon as possible. I don't care if you have to move out someone."
"Yes sir." The assistant person, who did the flight manifest thing, said. She did some typing on the computer. "The next one is in an hour."
"Good. Two seats next to each other." Rio requested. He walked back to Charlotte who was pacing nervously.
"There's probably a teleportation spell. In all of my 800 years of living, why didn't I figure that one out? I should have. I've had the time, and the means. I'm such an idiot. I should have. I'm pretty sure it exists. I'm going to find it and learn it after this. I should have learned the most useful spell that would help me when I need it most. There's astral projection. There's moving objects from one place to another, it's probably harder but still. I should have learned it."
"Don't. Don't tell me it's going to be okay. We've been lucky. Some people don't usually get years of peace never mind a century. We're vampires. There's always going to be something in our way whether it be Wallace or something else. We spent our first 50 or so years in the honeymoon phase. No proper arguments, just me teaching you, touring the world with the originals. Just meeting people and being happy. Then came my past haunting me, and putting you, the purest best person I know. You didn't deserve it. You deserved better than me."
"Lottie-" Rio tried again but she shushed him. 
"You saved me, right as it was about to get overwhelming again. If it weren't for you Wallace would still have me on a leash. You told me my siphoning didn't mean I was cursed, because you were a vampire and vampires are supposed to be bad as well. You told me that if I was bad, then there's no hope for good in the world. You made me smile and laugh. I was so close to breaking but you repaired me, put me back together piece by piece. I killed him and I know I shouldn't have because killing is wrong, but I knew he'd do whatever it took to ensure I wasn't happy, and I couldn't let him hurt you. Maybe that was selfish, but I would do it again and again to keep you safe. And for almost a full century we were happy. You are the sweetest man I know, you're humble and kind. Compassionate and considerate. Loving and the only man I can see myself with. I know that Wallace has somehow set a trap, and something is going to happen, so I don't want you at the site, maybe at a hotel or bar, somewhere you can't get hurt."
"Lottie, stop.  You say that I've saved you, but if it weren't for you I'd be a murderer. You did what you thought was right by me when you killed Wallace. His is the only blood I wouldn't have minded getting on my hands. He was a miserable excuse of a human and a vampire. He thought that by using and abusing you he was stronger, but you managed to get back on top. You managed to keep a smile on your face. You've protected me a lot, and saved me from myself countless times. You say I don't deserve you, let me prove you wrong. Not once have you complained about how much I make us move. When I make plans or whatever with people you may or may not like you don't complain. When I turned off my switch you were there to make me turn it back on. Not once have you complained about my worst traits, how much i piss you off for no reason when I'm bored, or when I annoy you. Lottie, you are the strongest person I know and I will be there with you and your daughter every step of the way. So what if Wussy had a plan? I have one too. I believe in us, and I believe we will make this work."
"See this is what I mean, when I say you're the sweetest person. Even when I drop some big news on you, you don't get mad, you just take my hand and tell me you'll be there the whole way through." 
"Well, Lottie." Rio said, a smirk on his face. "I am your husband. It's my job. A tiring one at that."
"And you ruined it. You're such a pisstake sometimes."
"Me? A pisstake?" He sounded shocked and upset. "I'm going to go cry in a corner now."

By the next day, Rio and Charlie were wandering the streets of London. "Now since all this happen 800 years ago, I doubt my grave is still here. Besides, I heard that he moved her body into a tomb. Knowing him, it was probably his family tomb, which should be 10 minutes away from here."
"Does your witch friend know?"
"Yes. She should be there."
"I wonder what she'll be like. Probably on my side during our arguments."
"Or not. After all I am her mother."
"Yeah well, you know. You're very abusive towards me."
"I am not!" 
"Tell that to the bruise you gave me that lasted a month. And I'm a vampire."
"Will you let it go already? It was a decade ago."
"Exactly, very recent."
"I hate you."
"You love me."
"And I hate myself for it." They arrived at Tottenham Cemetery and met Anastasia, Charlie's friend there.
"We've opened the mausoleum and identified her coffin. Now it's up to you." She said. Charlie followed her deeper into the cemetery. Rio looked around once more, feeling less sure. Something was in the air. Something was going to happen.  Once she showed them to it, she left giving them time together.

"I can't" Charlie said. She tried to siphon the magic from the coffin but there was too much. Too much power guarding it. She siphoned as much as she could then placed candles around the coffin. "I'm going to have to break the spell magically, with another spell."
"Wait. Do you hear that?" Rio asked. Charlie cocked an ear, and hear it. Rustling. A twig snapped. Someone was here. "I'll check it out." Rio ran out to the source of the noise.
"Uff!" Rio groaned as a stake was shot at him. "What the hell?"
"Who are you?" A voice called. Rio looked up to see a teenage girl standing over him.
"I'm Rio. Why are you attacking me?"
"Because you're attacking my coffin."
"Your coffin?"
"That's what dad called it. He said I was in there for a while because he was trying to protect me."
"Wait.. You're Anya?"
"How do you know my name?"
"Just come with me." He hesitated. "I know your family."
"My family? I don't have a family. My dad's dead. My mom died in childbirth, and she didn't have any siblings or family. And his family all died."
"Is that what he told you? He lied to you, Anya. There's something you should know."
"How do I know you're not lying?"
"You don't. But you're the one with a crossbow at my heart. Any hint of a trap and you can kill me."
"Fine. Lead the way." Anya said, digging the bow closer to his heart. "By the way, it's Ana now."

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