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Rio and his family took a while getting back to Mystic Falls. But when they finally did get back to town, they went to the Mikaelson Manor. Klaus, by the looks of things, needed someone and Rebekah was sure to appreciate Charlotte and Anya's company.
"Rebekah! Klaus?!" Rio called as he entered.
"My sister is down at the Grill, trying to find out some information. I'm afraid, I'll have to do today."
"What a shame! Her company is much more pleasant than yours." Charlie teased.
"Nice to see you too Charlie." Klaus smiled at Anya. "Hey, baby Salvatore!"
"Who says I'm a Salvatore?" She replied.
"Well, when you wrote your name down as Anya Salvatore, let's just say someone got really excited." Anya turned to Rio.
"Can you blame me? This wonderful teenage girl wanted me to be part of her family."
"You seem to have a good answer for everything."
"Well, there is one question I can never answer."
"Which is?"
"Why your mother chose me." He said so lovingly.
"You went from sweet to downright cliché. And totally sappy."
"What can I say?" Rio shrugged.
"Now you see what I had to deal with. Rio can be absolutely unbearable when he gets all... like that!" Klaus complained to the young girl.
"Thank you, Rio. I, at least, can appreciate your beautiful words." Charlie smiled back at him. "I'm going to go find Rebekah, now. Anya- do you want to come with me, or are you going to find some friends."
"I'll go with you. I'm not bothered to throw together some plans right now."
"Okay, Rio- I'll meet you back at the house later." She smiled at Rio again before she and Anya left and the two men were left alone.

"So how are you? Mentally?" Klaus sighed, and got out a vodka bottle and two cups. Pouring a drink for both of them, he replied.
"I need to drink something before we go to that subject." He reached over and gave Rio a glass. He raised his, in a motion to give a toast. "To bad mothers."
"To bad mothers." Rio echoed and he took a swig.
"How did you handle seeing her, after thinking for years that she was dead?"
"Well, at first, I was a little happy. She was my mother- I thought we'd have a happy ending. But then her true colours shone through. She didn't care about her old family, only her new one."
"Well I, for one, can't wait till this one dies."
"How can you live with never knowing what really happened to her?"
"Because, I don't care about her anymore. The mother I had, died long ago. This woman is nothing to me. Not anymore."
"You don't mean that. You forget that I know you, Rio. You could never cast away your mother like that."
"She's not my mother. She said it herself, and I agree. My mother would be there for Damon and Stefan when they had it tough. This woman didn't care enough to go to their funeral."
"So the woman who brought you up, raised you and your brothers- you don't care about her?"
"That woman is dead, Klaus. And we're not here to talk about my mother troubles. I've dealt with them. It's your turn."
"I'm fine. My mother is trying to kill my siblings and I. Nobody hurts my family, Rio."
"So you're going to kill her? Just like last time?"
"If by last time you mean a thousand years ago when she was alive and she lied to me about my heritage and made me feel like I didn't belong, as well as being a total bitch then yeah. Exactly like last time. This time, I will kill her, and she will stay dead."
"Let's be realistic. Nobody stays dead in Mystic falls." Rio rolled his eyes. "And you really think it's going to be that easy. Just killing her?"
"Well, obviously she'll probably present a challenge. But I wouldn't expect anything less from a Mikaelson."
"I meant emotionally. You love her and she played you. Deep down, do you really want to kill her?"
"Are you trying to talk me out of it?"
"I'm just saying she's your mother. Do you really think you can just kill her without feeling regret and guilt."
"If it comes between my siblings and my mother, I will choose my siblings. Rebekah and Elijah have always been there for me, even when we were human. Kol and I are close enough. He's my brother. I'll choose them over the woman who rejected me, a thousand years ago and again a day ago."
"If you're sure."
"I'm sure, Rio. She's dying. Don't try to stop me."
"She's been dead a thousand years, I've already come to terms with the fact you killed her once before.  But be absolutely sure, because that woman is your mother."
"I have no mother." Klaus stopped himself. "Now I sound like you."
"You say that like it's a bad thing."
"Well, as long as I don't become a pacifist."
"I'm not a pacifist."
"Have you ever snapped someone's neck? Or vervained anyone?"
"Well, I snapped Stefan's neck, like the first time I saw him again. Then I sort of punched him. A lot."
"You did? Okay how about since then?"
"And I did poison Katherine with wood chips in the tomb. Put some in her blood. Speaking of. Maybe I should apologise. I've been so focused on hating her, I forgot how petty I was being."
"Petty? That bitch turned you into a vampire to separate you from your brothers. And also, compelled them both not to tell each other about their so-called relationship with them. And then your dad killed them, because they were fighting to save her, even though she didn't need saving and it was all some elaborate plan to kill all her vampire friends."
"To get away from you."
"Because she wronged me."
"Because you tried to kill her."
"Because my mother cursed me so that I'd have to kill her for the ritual."
"So it all goes back to your mother."
"What were we talking about, again?"
"Hating Katherine. My point is, if she hadn't turned me that night, I would never have met Lottie. Or you and your family. And I kinda did reunite with my brothers, and found another in you. And whatever went between the three of them is between them three. And her selling out her friends- well you can't judge her. You've actually killed your friends."
"I've only killed those who've wronged me. You're still alive. I don't kill those I consider my friends."
"So apologising is a bit far. But, I just don't want to spend my life hating anyone. We have eternity. That's too long to waste energy on hate."
"Okay. I can respect that. Don't hate her, if you want. Just don't start to care about her."

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