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"Rebekah...It's your big brother. Come out, come out, wherever you are" Klaus called. It wasn't as if Rio had completely forgiven him. Damon had almost been killed at Klaus's hand. It would take a lot more than Klaus just brushing past it. But he also wasn't about to abandon Stefan just because he got pissed at his friend. Speaking of, Stefan was currently behind the door as Rio and Klaus were inside the warehouse where Klaus stored the bodies of his victims. Or, well, siblings. Rebekah rushed over and stabbed him with a dagger.
"Go to hell, Nik." She spat, not yet seeing Rio. Klaus took the dagger out of his chest, held it out beside him, and dropped it.
"Don't pout. You knew it wouldn't kill me."
"Yeah, but I was hoping it would hurt more."
"I understand that you're upset with me, Rebekah. So I'm going to let that go. Just this once. Brought you a little peace offering. Two in fact." Rebekah seemed to notice Rio.
"Hey, bex."
"You can come in." Klaus called and Stefan walked in, not recognising her.
"Stefan-" Rebekah started towards him. Klaus walked in front of him.
"Now you remember."
"Rebekah." Stefan's eyes widened.
"Stefan." Klaus said, facing Stefan towards him.
"Rebekah." Rio said, carrying on the pattern.
"I remember you." Stefan said. "We were friends."
"We are friends." Klaus corrected. He turned to Rebekah. "And now the reason you're here. Gloria tells me you know how to contact the original witch."
"The original witch?"
"What do you have that Gloria needs?" Rebekah's hand moved up to her neck.
"Where's my necklace? What did you do with it? I never take it off!"
"I don't know. I didn't touch it."
"We need to find it, Nik. Now, I want it back."
"Tell me that's not what she needs, Rebekah." She goes to her coffin to look for it but doesn't find it.
"What did it look like?" Rio asked. He'd never payed attention to Rebekah's necklace.
"It's pretty hard to describe."
"It's probably long gone now. Sorry Bex."
"Right. I need a little retail therapy. I don't suppose anyone wears these clothes anymore."

Rio was bored. Stefan and Klaus were drinking champagne, Rebekah was off finding clothes to wear. He had no obligation to tell Rebekah how she looked in each clothing.
"I'll be back." He said walking off. He called Charlie who picked up on the first ring.
"I'm betting you finally realised I took your card."
"Please I realised you took it the second you gave me that hug." He chuckled. "Give me some credit."
"Where are you?" She asked. "The music playing in your background is the same one in mine."
"Rebekah needed retail shopping. Klaus got her out of her box."
"Ooh. I think I see you."
"Really. Come get me then, please." He begged.
"Sure. But Anya and I still have a few clothes to try on."
"You're a nightmare."
"Am I?" She asked her voice sounding from behind him. He turned around to see both her and Anya's arms full of clothes.
"We're going to be here a while aren't we?"
"Yep." Anya chirped, a smile on her face.
"Hey there, squirt."
"Hey, Rio. Or uncle Rio. Or do I call you Father Rio. We've never gone over that."
"Just call me Rio." He grimaced. "Uncle just makes me feel related to your mother and not through marriage. And Father makes me feel like a priest."
"Well from what I hear, you're practically a saint." Anya shot back, smirking.
"Let's just go, kiddo."
"There has to be more to this dress." They heard Rebekah call.
"There's not." Klaus replied. They walked to them as Rebekah walked out.
"So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes, then. You know, I got dirty looks for wearing trousers."
"You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing."
"Oh, honey." Charlie said. "You're not shopping in the right place. Here try this."
"Thanks. Charlie!" Her eyes lit up. "Finally. Someone who can actually help."
"The boys are useless, aren't they." Charlie agreed.
"Hey!" Rio said in indignation.
"Rio, fashion isn't your strongest point."
"At least he's better that Niklaus." Rebekah said.
"Very true."
"And what is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident."
"It's dance music." Stefan said, with absolutely no emotion.
"People dance to this?"
"Are we done yet?"
"You do realise you literally have eternity? Relax for a couple of minutes." Charlie told Klaus.
"Why are you so grumpy?" Rebekah inquired.
"I needed one thing from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids are dying, one thing. Your necklace. And you lost it."
"I didn't lose it. It's just been missing for 90 years." She turns to Stefan. "So what do you think?"
"I like it." He told her. She didn't seem satisfied. "What? I said I like it."
"I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan." She walked back into the fitting room taking the outfit Charlie gave her.
"Nice one. Good work."
"You're the one who pulled the dagger out of her."
"Unbelievable!" Charlie said walking off into the next fitting room. Anya went into the one on her other side.
"I heard that!" Rebekah said at the same time.
"Alright, I'm going to get some fresh air." Stefan walked away. Rio took his seat next to Klaus.
"I assume you're still mad at me?"
"For what?  Trying to kill my brother, or trying to kill him even though you knew how important family is to me. That stake would have killed him. Like proper lights out, not like daggering your siblings since you can bring them back with a single movement."
"Alright, I'm sorry."
"For what?" Rio prompted.
"For trying to kill Damon."
"No your not. No-one is ever sorry for trying to kill Damon."
"So why are you mad at me?"
"Because you tried to kill my brother. Family, Klaus. My family." The girls all stepped out from behind their rooms.
"What do you think?"
"Anya you should try on that light pink top with the dark jeans." Charlie said. "Rebekah, I think dresses suit you more than casual."
"Agreed. Charlie, try on that hoodie tank top with the light denim shorts." Rebekah replied, and the girls walked right back in to their respective rooms.
"Fine. I'm sorry- not for killing Damon- but for almost killing your brother."
"Better. Still mad at you. An apology doesn't take back the fact that if it weren't for Gloria, or me, my brother would be dead. As in dead dead, and you with all your powers wouldn't be able to do a thing about that."
"So what can I do to atone for my sins?" Klaus moved his arms around.
"How would you feel if someone attempted to murder one of your brothers or Rebekah?"
"I'd make them wish they'd never been born."
"You want to make me wish I'd never been born? No offence, Rio, but you're not exactly well, you know."
"No, I don't know. What do you mean?"
"Well, you know. Threatening."
"Oh, you're on." Rio smirked. "I may not be scary enough or whatever but I am not someone to make an enemy of Klaus."
"I thought we were friends."
"I'm still pissed at you. You did after all try to permanently kill my brother."
"Just let that go already." Klaus was exasperated. "If Rebekah can forgive me for killing off her many suitors- who might I add were never good enough for my sister- then why can't you?"
"Well Rebekah had to spend an eternity with you. I don't. And when the alternative is you backstabbing her-literally- she doesn't exactly have a choice. Besides, the fact that he's my brother not my significant other might have something to do with it. I am not giving you an invitation to murder Lottie. Don't even think  about that."
"I won't. It's like you don't trust me any more."
"Well you did-"
"Try to kill your brother, alright. I get it." The girls walked out.
"I'm getting this." Rebekah said.
"Me too." Charlie said.
"I think I'll get a navy version of this top. And of course this pile." Anya said, smiling, walking off with Charlie and Rebekah. Rio walked after his wife, putting his arm around her and Anya's shoulders. Klaus shook his head. Rio had been like an older brother to him. They'd traveled together for almost 40 years. Over the years they'd met up to say hi. Rio was innocent, even as a vampire. He had this personality that made even Klaus instantly like him. He was loyal, kind, and almost always had an answer. Klaus wasn't ready to lose the best friendship he'd ever had, not that he'd admit it to everyone.

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