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Bored, Rio headed to Klaus. He had nowhere else to go, not really. Charlie and Anya wouldn't be back until later that evening or even tomorrow. Damon had called him earlier to tell him he had plans at the boarding house, so Rio definitely didn't want to go there. Stefan was probably still mad at him- which left Klaus.

"I'm bored!" Were his first words when he was over with Klaus. "I've got nothing to do!"
"Stop being so dramatic, Rio. You're like a teenage girl sometimes."
"I think Anya would be offended."
"Good thing she isn't here, then, isn't it."
"They'll be back. Probably tomorrow."
"Why don't you just have an early sleep. It's getting pretty late."
"I'm not tired."
"I can snap you neck to pass your time."
"No!" Rio said horrified. "Dude, that neck snapping hurts!"
"Alright fine. What do you want to do?"
"I don't know. There's usually something happening."
"What are your brothers doing? "
"One's doing something I'd rather not know about. The other's mad at me."
"What about that history teacher? You both teach at the same school. Surely there's a friendship budding between you two."
"Nah, he's my brothers' friend. Not mine. Acquaintance, sure, but I'm not that close with him." Rio decided not to share Alaric's current predicament with Klaus.
"Pick a room, upstairs and go to sleep. Or watch one of your shows?"
"I can't. Charlie would kill me if I watched them without her."
"Do you ever do anything alone?"
"Yeah, of course."
"Like what?" Klaus challenged.
"I watch some movies alone. I read books alone. I do normal alone-people things alone."
"Why don't you read a book?"
"You were right. There aren't any proper books in this town. Other than those we read."
"When was I right?"
"The last time we stood here and you told me you were bored and I told you to go read a book?"
"You know what, I'm going to go sleep."
"That's what I've been telling you to do!" Klaus told him. Rio rolled his eyes and went upstairs. 3 minutes later Klaus knocked on the door.
"Yes Klaus?"
"Now I'm bored."
"Go to sleep."
"It's evening."
"You said it was getting pretty late. Alright fine, let's play some card games. That ought to pass time." Rio smirked. "I'm gonna kick your ass."
"Yeah right. You can't beat me."
"Let me guess, because you're the hybrid."
"Now you're getting it." Klaus and Rio laughed and joked their way to the living room downstairs. They played for hours before the both passed out on the couches.

The next morning, Klaus and Rio went for a walk around the city. Klaus had information that this is where Finn would be. And he was right, too.
"Hello, Finn." Klaus greeted his eldest brother in a tense tone.
"Hello, Niklaus. Hello Tiberius."
"Call me Rio." Rio smiled pleasantly, and Klaus openly glared at his friend.
"Well, I'm not here to chat. I will ask you one time though, where's our mother?"
"Gone to find another way to end our abominable lives. And when she does, I will sacrifice myself all over again."
"Well, how fortunate that I found you, I require your assistance."
"I have no wish to help you. Only to see you dead."
"Oh come on, Finn. Not all your siblings deserve to die." Rio tried.
"Exactly." Klaus agreed, then whispered to Rio. "I'm included in that, right."
"Depends on who you ask."
"You're a good person, Rio. You should understand why I'm doing this."
"I don't. There comes a point in everyone's life when they want to kill their siblings, but you just have to rise above it. Otherwise you're no better than they are."
"My siblings have been a curse unto this world. I'd rather see them dead, than the world."
"Right, well, that's the thing; you see you won't be able to see me dead, because if I die, then you die. So, wish unfulfilled, I'm afraid." Klaus riled.

"Oh, bother someone else with your hollowed charms, Niklaus."

" Why? Why not come bother my big brother? I need you to accompany me back to Mystic Falls, I have a witch there who can help undo Esther's spell that linked us together."
"I have no wish to be unlinked."
"Again with the wishes. Let me rephrase, you will come back with me or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted for 900 years." Klaus moved in front of him and blocked his way.
"What happens to one, happens to all. You may not feel the effects of the dagger, but you'd lose your precious Rebekah."
"Wouldn't be the first time."
"Klaus. What did we say about being nicer to your sister?" Finn walked away and sped off into an alley.
"Let's not make this any worse than it has to be, darling brother." Rebekah intercepted.
"You're siding with him? Rebekah, he stored us in boxes."
"At least he's not trying to make us extinct." She shot back. Finn turned around to see Klaus behind his. Along with Rio.
"What are you gonna do? Kill me?"
"Oh yeah, that's right, you've got a death wish. Fine, pathetic, but fine. The thing is, I'm not gonna let you take the rest of us down with you." Klaus through his brother against the wall, effectively knocking him out.

Once the Mikaelsons and Rio reached the Manor, Klaus threw Finn onto the ground. "Gather your witch. Let's get his blood and get on with it."
"You can't force me to help you."
"No force necessary, Finn." Rio told him.
"Exactly. Why force when I can persuade?" Klaus gestured to the stairs where Sage walked down.
"Hello, Finn."
"Sage!" He exclaimed. Clearly he hadn't seen this coming. The two rushed to each other and embraced.
"What do you know? True love prevails." Rebekah said sarcastically, but Rio could hear the envy in her voice. It was obvious she wanted a love that would last like that.
"It does occasionally have it's uses." Klaus looked down at his phone. "Easier than torturing him."
"I have a phone call to make." Rio said and left the room. He called his wife, wondering if she'd be back home anytime soon.
"Hey, babe." She greeted.
"Hi. You finished?"
"Yeah, we're about to head back but it may be a while." He pouted. "Stop pouting. Just wait for us at home, okay?"
"Yeah sure. How'd you know I was pouting?"
"Because I know you, Rio." He rolled his eyes and started his journey home. He continued talking to her on the phone.
"How's Anya liking it in Australia?"
"She likes it. But it's only a holiday."
"Yeah. Thank God. I nearly went insane, without anything to do. How's Ali doing?"
"She's fine. Don't worry." Rio unlocked his front door. He walked into the living room to find Anya, Charlie, Colin and Ali in the room.
"You were here the entire time?" Rio asked his wife. She nodded and he shook his head and pulled her into a hug. He kissed her forehead and pulled Anya in through the side.
"What are we? Chopped liver?" Ali asked sarcastically.
"You're more like chopped feet." Rio answered her. She stuck her tongue out and he gave her a hug too, then gave Colin a side hug.
"So, I hear you guys had quite the time in Australia. Why'd a witch hex you, Ali?"
"Ali slept with the witch's boyfriend." Colin interjected.
"And you killed the witch for hexing your sister?"
"No, actually. She died the next day. Car accident. A legitimate one."

Colin and Ali had left two hours after coming. Charlie teleported them there, creating a portal for them to go through.
"Well, that was exhausting." Anya said. "I think I'm going to sleep now."
"Night, kiddo." Rio smiled at her, but then Charlie started to cough.
"Lottie?" Her nose started to bleed and she fell to the ground. Charlie started to cough up blood and within a minute her body had desiccated. Anya ran to her mother's body. She was screaming at her to wake up. Vampires only turned grey when they died. "Lottie!"
"Mum!" But no matter how much the two screamed she wouldn't wake up. Anya muttered spell after spell hoping they would bring her mother back, but to no avail. Finally the two sat over Charlie's body, both crying devastatingly. Charlotte Salvatore was dead.

Tiberius Salvatore: The eldest brotherWhere stories live. Discover now